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Holy crap.
I have a blog? Weird. It has been 4 (?) + months since my last one, life kinda got in the way.
And I had nothing to say besides depressing stuff.
Well here I am.
4 months later.
And I still have nothing but depressing stuff to talk about it.
Its been 4 months since a journal entry. And looking back, it helps me reflect on the past year.
Which sucked.
In case you hadn't figured it out, this year has been complete hell for me.
Which sucks. I had high expectations for this year, then they one by one they utterly collapsed.
The biggest one, for me, was the baseball season.
Junior year. We sucked. Sucked ass.
So, I took private coaching lessons over the off season to improve my game.
By the beginning of the season, my off season coach was really impressed by how far I had come.
I went into the season EXPECTING myself to go onto the mount and throw a no hitter every time I stepped foot onto the field.
Nothing less.
As for batting, I did so bad the previous season, I figured simply hitting ball would be an improvement. So the bar was set low.
Pitching wise, I felt super confident. I was ready to be the best player on the team.
Long story short, I injure my arm the third practice of the season. Not quite sure what happened, either a sprain or a strain, but pretty much it felt like my elbow was broken every time I threw the ball. Throwing a ball is kinda key if you want to pitch.
So I was out for a week. Couldn't do anything.
Injury didn't heal, I was out for another week. And for high school baseball, that's about 25% of the season right there. Senior year, folks, and I'm hurt.
And because of that, every other aspect of my game (fielding and hitting) went in the tubes.
So now my confidence level is an all time low, in during one of the toughest parts of the year.
At this point, I said "screw it, I'm throwing whether my arm hurts or not." So I pitched through the injury, and I sucked. Bad. Not being able to practice for 3 weeks really doesn't help.
That's some of what went on during the 4 months I was gone. :)
Now I don't know what to put. Part of me just wants to write out everything that's on my mind.
But then I realize that I haven't told anyone anything.
Perhaps I'll write EVERYTHING that's on my mind and save it as a draft, for future reference.
"Change left me alone,
I cannot remember when we lost control,
Now I have no one to save me from myself,
I'm so tired won't you take me, away?"
Away- Talisker Skye.
That song kept me up til 3 in the morning last night.
"Change left me alone."
I hate my life.
I mean I don't hate my life as much as I hate how I'm living my life.
I have the average American life, enough food, water, clothes, entertainment. I'm blessed. I just hate where my life is going.
In essence, I'm not exactly the biggest fan of myself.
Or what I'm doing.
Worst part is?
I have no motivation to change.
I'm just sitting here.
"I slowly die as the world goes by,"
"Change left me alone."
Ian Quote of the Day- "Have I mentioned how straight I am?"
A blog contain information that you will never care about! Or never even noticed existed. Either way, when you're done reading you will be thinking to yourself: "Wow. Why did I just do that?" To that, I respond: "Yes. And I made it happen."
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
My Opinion Wins
Click Here!!
Never saw that trailer before! I thought it was really cool.
Wish I'd seen it earlier...
Well now for the topic at hand.
Not really.
Just the meaning of a blog.
After all this time I never even bothered to look it up.
So I did today.
I do some of that.
I have links to other Web sites!
And I also give insight into my far superior opinion to you people.
And as of last week I gave you one of my very own experiences.
So that was new.
Cowboys and Aliens.
Two movies I saw in the past two days.
Now I shall give you my opinion on them!
So pretty much, this is the story about a loner teenager with a crap life and all that junk. He buys a video camera to capture his life on camera. He has a terminally ill mom and an abusive alcoholic father. Pretty much the laughing stock of the school, no friends, and only hangs out with his cousin Matt. His name is Andrew. There is this huge hipster party at some barn in the middle of nowhere, and after getting ridiculed, he goes outside and sits by a tree. Then Matt's friend Steve, (who is also black. This is very important) comes up to him and asks for his camera, because he and Matt had found an underground tunnel that was making strange noises. The three of them go inside this tunnel, and find this glowing object, and it begins messing with Andrew's camera.
You guess it.
It was aliens. They touch the object, and they gain powers that defy every known natural law. They can fly, move objects, that sorta thing.
So pretty much they are ninja Jedi.
*****SPOILER ALERT******
Steve is the first one to die.
Because he is black.
Andrew becomes obsessed over his powers, and becomes more powerful than Matt and Steve.
So pretty much, the last 20 or so minutes is the fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan in Revenge of the Sith.
Andrew (Anakin) is becoming power hungry, and starts using his powers for evil. Matt (Obi-Wan) comes in and the two have a pretty sick fight scene.
I would give this movie a 7/10.
The acting and effects were pretty sweet, and had a pretty good plot.
I couldn't help but think of Anakin vs. Obi-Wan during their fight at the end, but maybe that's because I watched that on YouTube before I went to the movie.
Solid. Film.
I would recommend it.
Cowboys and Aliens:
Jake wakes up in the middle of the desert, bleeding, dazed, confused, and with something on his wrist.
You guessed it.
So Jake and Harrison Ford ride off to kill the aliens. They find their hide out, and with the help of Indians, bandits, and some alien chick (???) they fight the aliens while Jake and the alien chick try to destroy the space ship.
They win. All is well.
1) Gets captured by aliens.
2) Watches his wife die as the aliens operate on her.
3) As the aliens try to operate on him, he takes their cutting tool, slashes the alien in the face, steals his weapon, gets stabbed, and sneaks off of the alien ship.
4) He kills like 5 guys for no reason.
Never saw that trailer before! I thought it was really cool.
Wish I'd seen it earlier...
Well now for the topic at hand.
Not really.
Just the meaning of a blog.
After all this time I never even bothered to look it up.
So I did today.
a Web site containing the writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other Web sites.
verb (used without object)
to maintain or add new entries to a blog.
I do some of that.
I have links to other Web sites!
And I also give insight into my far superior opinion to you people.
And as of last week I gave you one of my very own experiences.
So that was new.
Cowboys and Aliens.
Two movies I saw in the past two days.
Now I shall give you my opinion on them!
So pretty much, this is the story about a loner teenager with a crap life and all that junk. He buys a video camera to capture his life on camera. He has a terminally ill mom and an abusive alcoholic father. Pretty much the laughing stock of the school, no friends, and only hangs out with his cousin Matt. His name is Andrew. There is this huge hipster party at some barn in the middle of nowhere, and after getting ridiculed, he goes outside and sits by a tree. Then Matt's friend Steve, (who is also black. This is very important) comes up to him and asks for his camera, because he and Matt had found an underground tunnel that was making strange noises. The three of them go inside this tunnel, and find this glowing object, and it begins messing with Andrew's camera.
You guess it.
It was aliens. They touch the object, and they gain powers that defy every known natural law. They can fly, move objects, that sorta thing.
So pretty much they are ninja Jedi.
*****SPOILER ALERT******
Steve is the first one to die.
Because he is black.
Andrew becomes obsessed over his powers, and becomes more powerful than Matt and Steve.
So pretty much, the last 20 or so minutes is the fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan in Revenge of the Sith.
Andrew (Anakin) is becoming power hungry, and starts using his powers for evil. Matt (Obi-Wan) comes in and the two have a pretty sick fight scene.
I would give this movie a 7/10.
The acting and effects were pretty sweet, and had a pretty good plot.
I couldn't help but think of Anakin vs. Obi-Wan during their fight at the end, but maybe that's because I watched that on YouTube before I went to the movie.
Solid. Film.
I would recommend it.
Cowboys and Aliens:
Jake wakes up in the middle of the desert, bleeding, dazed, confused, and with something on his wrist.
You guessed it.
Anyway, the aliens come and raid a town, snatching up civilians and blowing stuff up.
The logical thing to do.So Jake and Harrison Ford ride off to kill the aliens. They find their hide out, and with the help of Indians, bandits, and some alien chick (???) they fight the aliens while Jake and the alien chick try to destroy the space ship.
They win. All is well.
And you get the cliche Western movie ending.
It's great.
There's only thing I'm going to say about this movie.
Daniel Craig is a complete man in this movie. In order he:1) Gets captured by aliens.
2) Watches his wife die as the aliens operate on her.
3) As the aliens try to operate on him, he takes their cutting tool, slashes the alien in the face, steals his weapon, gets stabbed, and sneaks off of the alien ship.
4) He kills like 5 guys for no reason.
He's pretty boss.
I'll give this one a solid 7/10 as well.
I would also recommend it.
Mrs. Hahn: "Germany had great pride when their captured Paris in WWII, it was the epitome of culture, art..."
Ian Quote Of The Day: "And defeat."Friday, February 10, 2012
Homosexuality. A Real Conversation Over The Issue
Click Here!!
Life was just explained right there.
Actually found something to blog about today.
And as the title implies, I still don't know what just happened.
Here's a little back story.
Last week Thursday, I get a random text message from a girl I've never met before.
Her name is Jesse.
Apparently one of my friends gave her my number, so she decided to text me (Still trying to figure out who...)
For kicks and giggles.
Well she turns out to be completely awesome.
She was funny, fun to talk to, pretty chill, and goes to UNC.
So all is well. We talk almost every day since last Thursday, n such.
About fun stuffs.
Then tonight got a little weird.
We started about religious things, since I go to a Christian School. She's a Christian (?) from what I could tell, just real subtle about it. She didn't go to church, didn't actively express her faith. Which isn't bad, some may disagree but I viewed myself sorta the same way.
So I was chill about it.
Then we got onto the topic of gay marriage/rights.
She gave her opinion on it:
"I think everyone deserves someone that they can love, no matter the gender."
I knew she was gonna say something of that ilk, I was more expecting the phrase: "they have a right" which I was kinda prepared to talk about. But she made a vague, generic comment that I agree with.
So I give my opinion on it:
"I think homosexuality is a sin, I don't support gay rights. And I do not think its natural (I.E species in nature don't generally tend to try and mate with the same gender)." I didn't mean the last part to be discriminatory at ALL. I just meant that in nature we don't see animals be homosexual normally.
Could I have left that out? Yes, I wish I did. My thoughts overran my thumbs while typing the text.
I have since been proven wrong with the above statement. Apparently, there are 1,500 species that are have homosexual individuals. Not sure why, it sparked my curiosity.
Time for research! Gotta figure out why...
But I'm just going to make a statement: Just because it's present in nature, does not make it right.
I also included that I viewed homosexuality as a choice.
And then she told me she was gay.
Total curveball. Got offended on the natural, and the choice part of my opinion, I don't blame her. I wish I worded it differently from what I did.
Or maybe that thought is something I only think....
She exploded. Called me out, cussed me out, and was generically pissed off at me.
She yelled at me for four ideas that she had.
1) She was born gay.
2) She said that I said she was going to hell (which I didn't).
3) God loves me just as much as he loves you.
4) I am no different or any less of a person than you.
That threw me off. All I said was that homosexuality was a sin, and she fires back with those.
And I told her that "we are all sinners, I never condemned you at all, and of course God loves you. I never said anything otherwise."
So I tell her that and she responds, again, with crazy ideas that had nothing to do with what I said.
1) You are just like all the other gay haters (paraphrased).
2) You have no right to judge me.
3) You are a hypocrite.
So she starts stereotyping me with all of the other violent people who don't support gay rights.
And trust me, the only bad thing I said was that homosexuality was a sin. And she completely takes the conversation off road, and makes me the bad guy.
I reply by saying, "I'm not judging you, I'm not condemning you, I'm not sending you to hell. God still loves you, I never said he didn't. I never said you are second rate to me or that I am better than you in any way, shape, or form. We're all human. We all sin. I know I don't have the right to judge you."
Her response?
1) It's not a choice.
2) Me and my friends all support gay rights, so you can't just say we are wrong.
3) I'm a close minded prick.
Yes. I too am trying to figure out why she kept trying to change the subject, and make me the back guy. She back tracked and said things that had nothing to do with what I said.
So I reply by saying, "Wait, so because you and your friends support, therefore its (homosexuality) right and I'm wrong? You asked for my opinion, I gave it. If you want to hate me for it, go ahead. I'm not discriminating you at all."
Wondering why I'm giving you her quotes in bullet form, but mine aren't?
So am I.
For the sake of the pattern, I'm going to continue.
But I am 100% honest with those bullet points, I'm not trying to make myself seem better or anything.
That's how she said it, but she worded it. A lot.
So I'm trying to be straight ( no pun intended) with her, and she gives me sorta round about, sketch responses, aimed to attack me.
And she responds like this:
1) Yes, me and my friends are right. (Pretty much, "me and my friends support gay rights, therefore its right. Logical fallacy FTW!)
2) I'm right, you're wrong.
3) You are discriminating/judging me, you just won't admit it. If you weren't judging, you wouldn't care if I was gay or not.
I said "that's a total logical fallacy, I don't follow your logic. Ok then we have two different definitions for those words. Based on yours, then I judge/discriminate EVERY single person that I meet."
So I wanna give my definitions of judging and discrimination.
Judging: The act of looking at someone, and feeling a sense of superiority or of better worth.
Discrimination: The act of intentionally bringing people down, sometimes violently, and treating them worse than people of other ethnic groups.
I judged her. But I did it mentally, I don't feel that ANYTHING I said indicated that.
Yes, I hate that I do that. I'm struggling to try and stop, I'm working on it.
With that being said, I kinda felt I was handling the conversation well.
But who knows, I'm probably doing it wrong.
So, as a response I get this:
1) You don't want to understand us.
2) You are an ignorant prick.
3) I take pride in being gay***
***That confused me.
I left it out, but early in the conversation, she said something I feel is contradictory.
She said, direct quotes, "I would never choose to be gay."
And later she tells me, in quotes, "I've been gay my whole f****** life, and I would never want to change that."
So, pretty much, "I would never want to be gay, but since I am, I don't want to change."
I was gonna point this out to her, but at this point she is obviously pissed off at me, and probably not my friend anymore. So I kept it to myself, pondering it.
And at this point, I'm completely confused.
So, I try and get back the main point, because she has a distorted view on my opinion on homosexuality.
So I said, "There's a ton of things I will never understand. And honestly, being snapped at and yelled at isn't going to make me want to. I think its a sin. That's my view. I don't hate you or homosexuals."
Her response actually followed what I said.
She asked, "if you really believe in God, how can you say love is a sin?"
My first thought was that she has a flawed view on love/homosexuality/what God says about love and what I said. I never said love is a sin. I said homosexuality was. They are different.
So I replied to her, saying "I believe that the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin, and I can give you verses to back me up."
What she said back:
1) HA!
2) I do know the Bible. It says nothing about homosexuality.
3) You're a f***** hypocrite for saying that.
That pretty much confirmed it for me. She had a flawed basic understanding of the Bible, and what it teaches. Saying it does not talk about homosexuality is completely false. I found tons of verses talking about it, all classifying it as a sin.
1 Corinthians 6: 9-10
Leviticus 18: 22
Leviticus 20: 13
Just to name a few.
So I told her that she didn't actually study the Bible if she says that it does not talk about homosexuality. And I said that the idea that homosexuality is a sin, is completely Biblical.
The conversation goes on, and she tries to conclude her thoughts.
1) I don't care what you think, you're too close minded and ignorant.
2) It's not a choice, and its a not a sin. God made me this way for a reason.
3) Its funny to me how much of a hypocrite you are.
So I asked how I was being ignorant, and a hypocrite, and said that she was as close minded on my views as I was on hers (I was getting kinda irritated) and that every living soul on this Earth is a hypocrite.
And then she goes on to try and guilt trip me by saying things like:
"You don't understand. You have no idea what it's like. You have no idea what I've been through. Shut up, you're just trying to force your opinion down my throat, over something that doesn't concern you."
I never heard back from her.
That was my first real conversation/argument with someone over the gay rights issue.
Maybe someone from the outside of this can get an unbiased view on this conversation, cause I'm still confused over it.
The biggest thing I noticed was her fundamental distorted views on the Christian faith, what the Bible says, what God says, and what I said.
Simply put, the Bible claims that homosexuality is a sin. There's no way around that. She claimed it didn't. It does.
She stereotyped me. She instantly categorized me with all the other gay haters. And then she treated me as such. Refuting things I never said, then attacking me towards the end.
Its sad. I couldn't converse with her from all the crap she had gotten from other people. Which bugs me. Because then she views people who don't support gay rights negatively.
I'm going to give a brief summary of my view on gay rights/marriage.
First off, its a sin. That is Biblical. And I will treat it as such.
Love the person, hate the sin.
I tried to give that vibe to Jesse, but she never got it.
And I see marriage as the permanent union of one man and one woman, as ordered and given to us by God. I think that gay marriage violates that. Marriage is a sacred union of a man and a women, not a man and man, and not a woman and a woman.
I do not think that we as humans have any right to change what God has given to us.
That's my view on it. I in no way support gay rights.
To me, its just as bad as any other sin.
I kinda want to touch base with some of the things she said to defend her position.
"It's not a choice, God made me this way."
This is tricky. I never really believed that you were born gay. That never made sense to me.
Evolutionary speaking, how does that work? If the norm is to mate with the opposite sex, what does mating with the same sex imply? That would mean that something in your brain is making you think that way. Genetic makeup? Science has not found a "gay gene", so I don't think that's it. But maybe its a rearrangement of nucleiotide base pairs that is causing that. The random mutation that also supposedly drives evolution. Assuming that's all true, natural selection would have acted on it already, so I don't think its a gene, or anything wrong with the genetic makeup of your DNA. So I don't think you're born gay.
There have been concrete scientific studies that show some sort of childhood experience will lead to it.
Which says to me most people aren't born gay, something dramatic happened in their early stages of their development that could have caused that.
This study also showed the percentages of people who changed sexual orientation, whether from gay to straight or vice versa. So I think its a choice to be gay.
I also view that she used this as an excuse. "Well, God made me this way, so it must be OK."
So can murderers say that now? "I was born a murderer! God made me this way!"
No. We are all sinners. Saying God made you gay is the same as saying God me a rapist, therefore rape is OK.
It doens't work like that! If that was a legit excuse, people could get away with anything. It always bugged me when she said that. I was very tempted to ask if it was OK to kill people if I said I was born a murderer.
And EVEN IF the above statement was true, that doesn't make it right.
Its late.
I've been writing for an hour now.
I just wanted to say that the conversation was very interesting, made me think.
It challenged me. And although she felt like I was degrading her, I wasn't.
I'm just upset I lost a friend over it....
Quote: "Whatever doesn't kill you will only make you stronger."
Ian Quote Of The Day: "Not unless it paralyzes you from the neck down."
Life was just explained right there.
Actually found something to blog about today.
And as the title implies, I still don't know what just happened.
Here's a little back story.
Last week Thursday, I get a random text message from a girl I've never met before.
Her name is Jesse.
Apparently one of my friends gave her my number, so she decided to text me (Still trying to figure out who...)
For kicks and giggles.
Well she turns out to be completely awesome.
She was funny, fun to talk to, pretty chill, and goes to UNC.
So all is well. We talk almost every day since last Thursday, n such.
About fun stuffs.
Then tonight got a little weird.
We started about religious things, since I go to a Christian School. She's a Christian (?) from what I could tell, just real subtle about it. She didn't go to church, didn't actively express her faith. Which isn't bad, some may disagree but I viewed myself sorta the same way.
So I was chill about it.
Then we got onto the topic of gay marriage/rights.
She gave her opinion on it:
"I think everyone deserves someone that they can love, no matter the gender."
I knew she was gonna say something of that ilk, I was more expecting the phrase: "they have a right" which I was kinda prepared to talk about. But she made a vague, generic comment that I agree with.
So I give my opinion on it:
"I think homosexuality is a sin, I don't support gay rights. And I do not think its natural (I.E species in nature don't generally tend to try and mate with the same gender)." I didn't mean the last part to be discriminatory at ALL. I just meant that in nature we don't see animals be homosexual normally.
Could I have left that out? Yes, I wish I did. My thoughts overran my thumbs while typing the text.
I have since been proven wrong with the above statement. Apparently, there are 1,500 species that are have homosexual individuals. Not sure why, it sparked my curiosity.
Time for research! Gotta figure out why...
But I'm just going to make a statement: Just because it's present in nature, does not make it right.
I also included that I viewed homosexuality as a choice.
And then she told me she was gay.
Total curveball. Got offended on the natural, and the choice part of my opinion, I don't blame her. I wish I worded it differently from what I did.
Or maybe that thought is something I only think....
She exploded. Called me out, cussed me out, and was generically pissed off at me.
She yelled at me for four ideas that she had.
1) She was born gay.
2) She said that I said she was going to hell (which I didn't).
3) God loves me just as much as he loves you.
4) I am no different or any less of a person than you.
That threw me off. All I said was that homosexuality was a sin, and she fires back with those.
And I told her that "we are all sinners, I never condemned you at all, and of course God loves you. I never said anything otherwise."
So I tell her that and she responds, again, with crazy ideas that had nothing to do with what I said.
1) You are just like all the other gay haters (paraphrased).
2) You have no right to judge me.
3) You are a hypocrite.
So she starts stereotyping me with all of the other violent people who don't support gay rights.
And trust me, the only bad thing I said was that homosexuality was a sin. And she completely takes the conversation off road, and makes me the bad guy.
I reply by saying, "I'm not judging you, I'm not condemning you, I'm not sending you to hell. God still loves you, I never said he didn't. I never said you are second rate to me or that I am better than you in any way, shape, or form. We're all human. We all sin. I know I don't have the right to judge you."
Her response?
1) It's not a choice.
2) Me and my friends all support gay rights, so you can't just say we are wrong.
3) I'm a close minded prick.
Yes. I too am trying to figure out why she kept trying to change the subject, and make me the back guy. She back tracked and said things that had nothing to do with what I said.
So I reply by saying, "Wait, so because you and your friends support, therefore its (homosexuality) right and I'm wrong? You asked for my opinion, I gave it. If you want to hate me for it, go ahead. I'm not discriminating you at all."
Wondering why I'm giving you her quotes in bullet form, but mine aren't?
So am I.
For the sake of the pattern, I'm going to continue.
But I am 100% honest with those bullet points, I'm not trying to make myself seem better or anything.
That's how she said it, but she worded it. A lot.
So I'm trying to be straight ( no pun intended) with her, and she gives me sorta round about, sketch responses, aimed to attack me.
And she responds like this:
1) Yes, me and my friends are right. (Pretty much, "me and my friends support gay rights, therefore its right. Logical fallacy FTW!)
2) I'm right, you're wrong.
3) You are discriminating/judging me, you just won't admit it. If you weren't judging, you wouldn't care if I was gay or not.
I said "that's a total logical fallacy, I don't follow your logic. Ok then we have two different definitions for those words. Based on yours, then I judge/discriminate EVERY single person that I meet."
So I wanna give my definitions of judging and discrimination.
Judging: The act of looking at someone, and feeling a sense of superiority or of better worth.
Discrimination: The act of intentionally bringing people down, sometimes violently, and treating them worse than people of other ethnic groups.
I judged her. But I did it mentally, I don't feel that ANYTHING I said indicated that.
Yes, I hate that I do that. I'm struggling to try and stop, I'm working on it.
With that being said, I kinda felt I was handling the conversation well.
But who knows, I'm probably doing it wrong.
So, as a response I get this:
1) You don't want to understand us.
2) You are an ignorant prick.
3) I take pride in being gay***
***That confused me.
I left it out, but early in the conversation, she said something I feel is contradictory.
She said, direct quotes, "I would never choose to be gay."
And later she tells me, in quotes, "I've been gay my whole f****** life, and I would never want to change that."
So, pretty much, "I would never want to be gay, but since I am, I don't want to change."
I was gonna point this out to her, but at this point she is obviously pissed off at me, and probably not my friend anymore. So I kept it to myself, pondering it.
And at this point, I'm completely confused.
So, I try and get back the main point, because she has a distorted view on my opinion on homosexuality.
So I said, "There's a ton of things I will never understand. And honestly, being snapped at and yelled at isn't going to make me want to. I think its a sin. That's my view. I don't hate you or homosexuals."
Her response actually followed what I said.
She asked, "if you really believe in God, how can you say love is a sin?"
My first thought was that she has a flawed view on love/homosexuality/what God says about love and what I said. I never said love is a sin. I said homosexuality was. They are different.
So I replied to her, saying "I believe that the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin, and I can give you verses to back me up."
What she said back:
1) HA!
2) I do know the Bible. It says nothing about homosexuality.
3) You're a f***** hypocrite for saying that.
That pretty much confirmed it for me. She had a flawed basic understanding of the Bible, and what it teaches. Saying it does not talk about homosexuality is completely false. I found tons of verses talking about it, all classifying it as a sin.
1 Corinthians 6: 9-10
Leviticus 18: 22
Leviticus 20: 13
Just to name a few.
So I told her that she didn't actually study the Bible if she says that it does not talk about homosexuality. And I said that the idea that homosexuality is a sin, is completely Biblical.
The conversation goes on, and she tries to conclude her thoughts.
1) I don't care what you think, you're too close minded and ignorant.
2) It's not a choice, and its a not a sin. God made me this way for a reason.
3) Its funny to me how much of a hypocrite you are.
So I asked how I was being ignorant, and a hypocrite, and said that she was as close minded on my views as I was on hers (I was getting kinda irritated) and that every living soul on this Earth is a hypocrite.
And then she goes on to try and guilt trip me by saying things like:
"You don't understand. You have no idea what it's like. You have no idea what I've been through. Shut up, you're just trying to force your opinion down my throat, over something that doesn't concern you."
I never heard back from her.
That was my first real conversation/argument with someone over the gay rights issue.
Maybe someone from the outside of this can get an unbiased view on this conversation, cause I'm still confused over it.
The biggest thing I noticed was her fundamental distorted views on the Christian faith, what the Bible says, what God says, and what I said.
Simply put, the Bible claims that homosexuality is a sin. There's no way around that. She claimed it didn't. It does.
She stereotyped me. She instantly categorized me with all the other gay haters. And then she treated me as such. Refuting things I never said, then attacking me towards the end.
Its sad. I couldn't converse with her from all the crap she had gotten from other people. Which bugs me. Because then she views people who don't support gay rights negatively.
I'm going to give a brief summary of my view on gay rights/marriage.
First off, its a sin. That is Biblical. And I will treat it as such.
Love the person, hate the sin.
I tried to give that vibe to Jesse, but she never got it.
And I see marriage as the permanent union of one man and one woman, as ordered and given to us by God. I think that gay marriage violates that. Marriage is a sacred union of a man and a women, not a man and man, and not a woman and a woman.
I do not think that we as humans have any right to change what God has given to us.
That's my view on it. I in no way support gay rights.
To me, its just as bad as any other sin.
I kinda want to touch base with some of the things she said to defend her position.
"It's not a choice, God made me this way."
This is tricky. I never really believed that you were born gay. That never made sense to me.
Evolutionary speaking, how does that work? If the norm is to mate with the opposite sex, what does mating with the same sex imply? That would mean that something in your brain is making you think that way. Genetic makeup? Science has not found a "gay gene", so I don't think that's it. But maybe its a rearrangement of nucleiotide base pairs that is causing that. The random mutation that also supposedly drives evolution. Assuming that's all true, natural selection would have acted on it already, so I don't think its a gene, or anything wrong with the genetic makeup of your DNA. So I don't think you're born gay.
There have been concrete scientific studies that show some sort of childhood experience will lead to it.
Which says to me most people aren't born gay, something dramatic happened in their early stages of their development that could have caused that.
This study also showed the percentages of people who changed sexual orientation, whether from gay to straight or vice versa. So I think its a choice to be gay.
I also view that she used this as an excuse. "Well, God made me this way, so it must be OK."
So can murderers say that now? "I was born a murderer! God made me this way!"
No. We are all sinners. Saying God made you gay is the same as saying God me a rapist, therefore rape is OK.
It doens't work like that! If that was a legit excuse, people could get away with anything. It always bugged me when she said that. I was very tempted to ask if it was OK to kill people if I said I was born a murderer.
And EVEN IF the above statement was true, that doesn't make it right.
Its late.
I've been writing for an hour now.
I just wanted to say that the conversation was very interesting, made me think.
It challenged me. And although she felt like I was degrading her, I wasn't.
I'm just upset I lost a friend over it....
Quote: "Whatever doesn't kill you will only make you stronger."
Ian Quote Of The Day: "Not unless it paralyzes you from the neck down."
Friday, February 3, 2012
I'M BACK!!! :D (Unfortunately)
Click Here!
Iz me! I am back!
And I am proud to say January is over!! :D
Yes! Finally had my first good day of the year. It only took me a month.
Which is strange. I had my first good day just about the same time we turned in our Senior Thesis.
I think SO!
Well, its February, and you know what that means!
Cheesy, annoying, over played Valentine's Day commercials! And all of the scenarios probably will never happen to anyone, they just spend a lot of time trying to get that "perfect" moment.
Which varies from person to person.
But they try to get the generic "perfect" moment.
In response all the girls are all like "AWWWWWWW :) :) :) :) :)"
And all the guys be like: "I hope I don't have to do that...."
Which is the total guy thing to say.
I find myself saying the exact same thing. However, I'm not having a Valentine this year so I don'ts got to worryz :)
Exactly like this Meme.
Forever Alone :)
Which brings me to my blog.
I strangely have something to write about.
Well I think so.
Its such a broad generic topic in my head right now, not sure how I'm gonna expand.
But since its February, and Valentine's Day, I'm going to talk about that.
Mushy lovey chocolately stuff.
I'm scared that I'm thinking these thoughts :O
So I would go ahead and stop reading right now.
I don't know where my thoughts are going right now.
I seem to be in a mental relapse. Maybe its because I'm writing about Valentine's Day? When I could be writing about important things.
Like explosions.
Or Tebow.
So here we go.
Valentine's Day is either one of the best holidays of the year, or one of the worst.
Depending on one's relationship status according to Facebook.
It's usually fantastic for couples. For obvious reasons.
And its terrible for singles *GENERICALLY*
I mean, it kinda depends on your situation.
For me, personally, I don't care. I dont care if I don't have a "special someone" on Valentine's Day, so I just see it as a time of the year with lots of chocolate, and an excessive amounts of pink and guys sucking up. Sure, its gonna be weird seeing everybody else be with someone they love, but I think I'll live.
Other people hate it.
Because it brings back painful memories, they get jealous, or they feel alone.
Get to also see the word "love" completely overused.
Everybody is going to love everyone.
If you read my earlier blog, you kinda get my opinion on the word.
So, I'm not looking forward to seeing "love" used by everyone. I think its taken for granted.
Its going to bug me when all the silly freshmen/preps/immature kids go on a love rampage.
I bet you someone will say "I love you" to someone on Valentine's Day, even though they've only been dating a few days.
I'm just gonna call it now.
Still bearing with me?
Because I think I lost myself about 10 minutes ago.
Valentine's Day is pretty much the day when guys either herp or score brownie points.
That's essentially the whole point.
So uhm, I've 18 straight years without a Valentine.
So I think I'll live without one this year :)
And I'm doing better. :)
Thanks for being concerned!
And if you weren't,
Then just ignore that.
But not good. I seem to like picking out all of the little things I've failed at. So that brings me down.
I've decided to blog only when I have something to talk about.
So less about my low self-esteem, and more about subjects people want to know about.
Which doesn't include my mental life :)
"People are people no matter how small."
Ian Quote Of The Day: "Doesn't make them equal!"
Song of the Day:
"Apology"- Safeysuit
Iz me! I am back!
And I am proud to say January is over!! :D
Yes! Finally had my first good day of the year. It only took me a month.
Which is strange. I had my first good day just about the same time we turned in our Senior Thesis.
I think SO!
Well, its February, and you know what that means!
Cheesy, annoying, over played Valentine's Day commercials! And all of the scenarios probably will never happen to anyone, they just spend a lot of time trying to get that "perfect" moment.
Which varies from person to person.
But they try to get the generic "perfect" moment.
In response all the girls are all like "AWWWWWWW :) :) :) :) :)"
And all the guys be like: "I hope I don't have to do that...."
Which is the total guy thing to say.
I find myself saying the exact same thing. However, I'm not having a Valentine this year so I don'ts got to worryz :)
Exactly like this Meme.
Forever Alone :)
Which brings me to my blog.
I strangely have something to write about.
Well I think so.
Its such a broad generic topic in my head right now, not sure how I'm gonna expand.
But since its February, and Valentine's Day, I'm going to talk about that.
Mushy lovey chocolately stuff.
I'm scared that I'm thinking these thoughts :O
So I would go ahead and stop reading right now.
I don't know where my thoughts are going right now.
I seem to be in a mental relapse. Maybe its because I'm writing about Valentine's Day? When I could be writing about important things.
Like explosions.
Or Tebow.
So here we go.
Valentine's Day is either one of the best holidays of the year, or one of the worst.
Depending on one's relationship status according to Facebook.
It's usually fantastic for couples. For obvious reasons.
And its terrible for singles *GENERICALLY*
I mean, it kinda depends on your situation.
For me, personally, I don't care. I dont care if I don't have a "special someone" on Valentine's Day, so I just see it as a time of the year with lots of chocolate, and an excessive amounts of pink and guys sucking up. Sure, its gonna be weird seeing everybody else be with someone they love, but I think I'll live.
Other people hate it.
Because it brings back painful memories, they get jealous, or they feel alone.
Get to also see the word "love" completely overused.
Everybody is going to love everyone.
If you read my earlier blog, you kinda get my opinion on the word.
So, I'm not looking forward to seeing "love" used by everyone. I think its taken for granted.
Its going to bug me when all the silly freshmen/preps/immature kids go on a love rampage.
I bet you someone will say "I love you" to someone on Valentine's Day, even though they've only been dating a few days.
I'm just gonna call it now.
Still bearing with me?
Because I think I lost myself about 10 minutes ago.
Valentine's Day is pretty much the day when guys either herp or score brownie points.
That's essentially the whole point.
So uhm, I've 18 straight years without a Valentine.
So I think I'll live without one this year :)
And I'm doing better. :)
Thanks for being concerned!
And if you weren't,
Then just ignore that.
But not good. I seem to like picking out all of the little things I've failed at. So that brings me down.
I've decided to blog only when I have something to talk about.
So less about my low self-esteem, and more about subjects people want to know about.
Which doesn't include my mental life :)
"People are people no matter how small."
Ian Quote Of The Day: "Doesn't make them equal!"
Song of the Day:
"Apology"- Safeysuit
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
TIME! Aren't you supposed to heal everything?
Click Here!
How the hell did he get 34.5 million views in ten days??
That's ridiculous.
I'm not really in the mood to blog. But I am anyway.
Gotta vent some more.
So, now that you know that, you don't have to read this rest.
Because this is just me talking to myself, but for all to see on the internet instead of talking to someone about it.
It's different.....
Uhm. Herp.
The only good thing about this week was that I got the Senior Thesis done one day early. Tells me I don't always procrastinate! Yay!
As the title foreshadows, it still hurts. Why didn't I feel this for the 10 months before Christmas? I have no idea. I'm still feeling incredibly overwhelmed with a feeling of regret and self hate.
I hate it.
Uhm I'm not really gonna go in depth, mostly because I just realized that what I'm writing about in my blog posts aren't what blogs are for.
So I'm gonna go ahead and sum up my current emotional distraught in one sentence.
And I just want to say sorry to everyone.
For whatever. I mean it.
There ya have it.
Perhaps if I ignore this long enough it will go away?
Its worked before.....
Since I'm using blogs for the wrong purposes, I guess I'm gonna stop for awhile.
Or until I actually find something to blog about.
Now I'll stop with the useless blog posts now :)
Mr. Wright Quote Of The Day: "Oh my Stephen! You're looking sexy today!" *Chuckles*
Ian Quote Of The Day: "See, I had to burn down the orphanage. It was attacking me!"
You get two since I'm not blogging for awhile! :D
Tool powers activate!
Off on a spiritual adventure/journey/quest to find..something.
I don't know what right now.
How the hell did he get 34.5 million views in ten days??
That's ridiculous.
I'm not really in the mood to blog. But I am anyway.
Gotta vent some more.
So, now that you know that, you don't have to read this rest.
Because this is just me talking to myself, but for all to see on the internet instead of talking to someone about it.
It's different.....
Uhm. Herp.
The only good thing about this week was that I got the Senior Thesis done one day early. Tells me I don't always procrastinate! Yay!
As the title foreshadows, it still hurts. Why didn't I feel this for the 10 months before Christmas? I have no idea. I'm still feeling incredibly overwhelmed with a feeling of regret and self hate.
I hate it.
Uhm I'm not really gonna go in depth, mostly because I just realized that what I'm writing about in my blog posts aren't what blogs are for.
So I'm gonna go ahead and sum up my current emotional distraught in one sentence.
And I just want to say sorry to everyone.
For whatever. I mean it.
There ya have it.
Perhaps if I ignore this long enough it will go away?
Its worked before.....
Since I'm using blogs for the wrong purposes, I guess I'm gonna stop for awhile.
Or until I actually find something to blog about.
Now I'll stop with the useless blog posts now :)
Mr. Wright Quote Of The Day: "Oh my Stephen! You're looking sexy today!" *Chuckles*
Ian Quote Of The Day: "See, I had to burn down the orphanage. It was attacking me!"
You get two since I'm not blogging for awhile! :D
Tool powers activate!
Off on a spiritual adventure/journey/quest to find..something.
I don't know what right now.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Its been awhile.... Let's kick this pig!
Click Here!
Yep. I'm propaganding (propaganda-ing?) my video again.
It needs more views!
Or more people need to tell me how terrible it is.
Either way.
Yep. As the title explains it, I haven't blogged in awhile?
I don't know.
Didn't want to, had nothing to talk about (and if I did it would have been depressing), and yeah.
Let's just say i haven't had one good day this year yet.
I've had great moments with friends n such, but overall, this month has sucked.
Well. I haven't felt emotionally good for awhile now. Going on almost a month now, and I'm holding up. It's challenging, needless to say. The senior thesis doesn't help either. It makes it worse, actually. Worked on it today and hit a brick wall.
This isn't going to be a good week.
Or a good rest of the year.
Oh well. Time flies, hopefully it's supersonic.
Uhm, It's hard to blog about stuff when aren't emotionally all there. Its been more or less the same thing for the past month, so nothing really new. Eh, also so haven't found anything to fix yep.
The highlight recently was that I got deleted as a friend by somebody on Facebook.
This greatly amuses me.
Oh ya know, she said things like:
"I'll ask you to sadies! :D" I seriously laughed for a good ten minutes with that one.
"I love you!" ................... No ya dont.
And now I'm off of her friends list. I'm not hurt, amused, not hurt.
Mostly because I knew she was BS-ing me as soon as she said it, so it was only a matter of time before her lies came into light. Again, it was funny lolololololololololololololololol.
And that one chick (Maddie Derp, as Matt would call her), is gone. Hopefully for awhile, I don't want to see her again. So I guess that's a high point? :)
The one thing that killed me first semester is gone. Now to take care of second semester.
I figured it out.
I am inadvertently using my Blog as personal journal. Because I read all of my blogs, and read about how I was feeling back now, compared to now. It was kinda cool. Didn't find good things, but hey.
So, the moral of the story is: YOU CAN"T TRUST THE SYSTEM!
But really. This blog post is more of a benefit for me as it is to your entertainment.
So keep your negative blog comments to yourself :)
I'm doin this for me :)
Unless the post isn't depressing.
Then its for you.
Hopefully we have one coming up.
Maybe I'll blog about something important.
What was my day like....
Mostly herp.
Then I was like derp.
Don't worry guys. I got this! :D
Ian Quote Of The Day: "Do a Barrel Roll!"
Yep. I'm propaganding (propaganda-ing?) my video again.
It needs more views!
Or more people need to tell me how terrible it is.
Either way.
Yep. As the title explains it, I haven't blogged in awhile?
I don't know.
Didn't want to, had nothing to talk about (and if I did it would have been depressing), and yeah.
Let's just say i haven't had one good day this year yet.
I've had great moments with friends n such, but overall, this month has sucked.
Well. I haven't felt emotionally good for awhile now. Going on almost a month now, and I'm holding up. It's challenging, needless to say. The senior thesis doesn't help either. It makes it worse, actually. Worked on it today and hit a brick wall.
This isn't going to be a good week.
Or a good rest of the year.
Oh well. Time flies, hopefully it's supersonic.
Uhm, It's hard to blog about stuff when aren't emotionally all there. Its been more or less the same thing for the past month, so nothing really new. Eh, also so haven't found anything to fix yep.
The highlight recently was that I got deleted as a friend by somebody on Facebook.
This greatly amuses me.
Oh ya know, she said things like:
"I'll ask you to sadies! :D" I seriously laughed for a good ten minutes with that one.
"I love you!" ................... No ya dont.
And now I'm off of her friends list. I'm not hurt, amused, not hurt.
Mostly because I knew she was BS-ing me as soon as she said it, so it was only a matter of time before her lies came into light. Again, it was funny lolololololololololololololololol.
And that one chick (Maddie Derp, as Matt would call her), is gone. Hopefully for awhile, I don't want to see her again. So I guess that's a high point? :)
The one thing that killed me first semester is gone. Now to take care of second semester.
I figured it out.
I am inadvertently using my Blog as personal journal. Because I read all of my blogs, and read about how I was feeling back now, compared to now. It was kinda cool. Didn't find good things, but hey.
So, the moral of the story is: YOU CAN"T TRUST THE SYSTEM!
But really. This blog post is more of a benefit for me as it is to your entertainment.
So keep your negative blog comments to yourself :)
I'm doin this for me :)
Unless the post isn't depressing.
Then its for you.
Hopefully we have one coming up.
Maybe I'll blog about something important.
What was my day like....
Mostly herp.
Then I was like derp.
Don't worry guys. I got this! :D
Ian Quote Of The Day: "Do a Barrel Roll!"
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
I'm running out of blog titles...
Another one of my edited videos. Its the music video for The War by Angels & Airwaves! I'd love for you to check it out!
It only took me 7 tries to upload it :)
Well. I don't know what got people started on this. But everyone's been talking about the word "love."
So, I figured I would give it a go.
The first thing I wanna say first is that "love" is probably the most overused word. And the people who use it most is probably high school girls. All preppy n such. I'm not saying this group of people are the only ones, but in my experience, they probably use it the most.
There is this one preppy freshman girl I'm friends with on Facebook (Who will remain nameless). She tosses the word "love" around like its nothing. If she likes something she automatically loves it. I remember when she starting dating this one guy, and about 2 or 3 days later, she said she loved him. I saw this and burst out laughing. For one, she's a freshman. 14? Sounds right. Who "loves" her boyfriend after 2 days of dating him. LOL. She also "loves" everybody. If you are her friend, she loves you by default. I mean she has close friends, and then there's the generic acquaintance. It really bugs me how much she claims she loves things. I don't think she gets it yet.
But here I am, judging her. Like a pro. I'm good at it too! :D
I never thought about it, but the English language totally herped when it decided it only needed one word for love. We use it so often. To describe ANYTHING we really like. Other languages have multiple words for love, we get one.
And we get to decide what we mean when we say it.
Most of the time, we use it to describe something we adore.
Such as:
"Man, I love this song!" Or "I love pizza!" I honestly don't have a problem with it. I think its obviously we don't mean it when we tell someone "I love you." This definition of love is commonplace, and most people can understand what they really mean by it. So yep. Kinda obvious the meaning for it, and we use love because saying "I really like this song" doesn't flow as well. :P
Then there's the "I love you."
Its a confusing subject.
Saying that has many different meanings as well.
As a boyfriend/girlfriend.
As a close friend.
As a friend.
As a family member.
As a mentor/teacher.
As a fellow believer in Christ.
As God told us.
I love people. The only people I tell are my parents and close friends.
And God, obviously.
And I've said it to my girlfriend several times.
But I don't know. Saying "I love you" to anyone from the following list doesnt bother me. Until they start overusing it, like stated previously.
I'm going to use another example.
There was this girl. A sophomore. We were acquaintances, from my point of view. Its not that we weren't friends, but we weren't enemies. We didn't really talk, never hung out, or anything like that. So she was just kinda there, minding our own businesses, etc. Well my birthday swung around and she posted on my wall something like this:
"Happy Birthday!:) Text me sometime!:)"
So I did. I don't usually text people often anyway, and we haven't talked in months.
So I figured why not?
The next few months, we talked on and off, like 2 days straight, then stop for a week or two. Nothing too serious or anything.
Then she started stringing together some lies. Which irritated me, just as it would anyone.
How did I know they were lies? They were obvious.
The first one was when we were talking about homecoming, and sadies and junk.
"I'll ask you to sadies!:)" Is what she said.
When she said that I literally LOL'd. It was not even homecoming yet, so Setpemeber/October, and shes saying shes going to ask me to my school's dance, the same school that she doesn't attend. At first I was kinda happy. A date sounds fun right? I mean I've never had one to sadies before. Then I realized that she wasn't going to. She didn't say she wasn't going to, but I knew she wasn't. Before hand, we never hung out at all, and we've only been recently been talking. So I brushed it off as "boll crap."
What does this have to do with love?
Nothing. I needed to rant about it. It's not bothering me or anything, I just felt like it needed to be said.
And it also leads into love.
So. We keep talking. She was fun to talk to in all. Then one day I made a joke.
It was stupid. But it made her laugh. And she replied:
"Haha oh Ben, I love you!:)" (Obviously, I don't remember the texts word for word. They went something like this).
HA! Boll Sh**! I'm not stupid! That was my first reaction. I mean I didn't realize you could love someone whom you've never hung out with, and have only been talking to periodically for a few months.
Tell me when I'm wrong, but I don't think love works like that.
Luckily for me, I didn't believe it.
She told me that again, sometime later. I don't know why. After that last one we stopped talking again. I didn't want to if she was going to say that. No girl has ever said that to me, besides my girlfriend. I don't think she should have.
And love is an action mostly. We never hung out. So there ya have it.
Haven't talked to her since, and sadies is in 3 weeks.
This shall be fun.
I don't really know where I was going with that.
But I guess if I had to sum it up it would be this:
Don't overuse the word "love." Only say it when you absolutely mean it. I'll work on it too.
Don't toss it around like its nothing. Its a powerful word, don't underestimate it.
Ian Quote Of The Day-
Christy: "What's spooning?"
Ian: "Want me and Ben to demonstrate? Clear the table!"
Me: ":O"
Monday, January 16, 2012
Well... herp
Click Here!
Awesome video. Cool song too.
Might have already had it as Video of the Day, but that one was rushed.
For no reason at all.
I haven't blogged it up in awhile. Not sure why that is. I guess I was being social???
Oh yeah, that's right.
Got to see Tebow Time crash in a fiery explosion, and stayed up til 2 talking about....
But na. Not boys. That would be creepy.
We had a very deep spiritual talk about dating.
While I did barrel rolls across the room. Both were very entertaining.
Everyone there (Ian, Zach, Natalie, Christine, Lauren, and Meghan) all had different views on it. And a lot of it I've never thought about. It made me think. Well, the most thinking I could do at 2 in the morning.
But I loved it.
It was the first time I actually opened up to people, or had some deep conversation with someone, in years.
And that's because I'm a guy. We don't do those kinda things.
So actually doing it with guys AND girls was pretty awesome, I think.
So here's a quick entry into my mind on dating.
I like it! :D
Well, I don't disapprove of it. There's a certain age in which you can start. Don't do it in junior high. Its a joke. It kinda depends on the person, how mature you are, and what you're doing it for. In junior high, I remember we dated for popularity. I didn't partake in it, but I did try (pathetically). Most cause it was mainstream to do it in my class. So I figured I would try. And it seemed exciting back then. So I would say anyone younger than a sophomore is too young to date. But that's just me.
While we were taking, I concluded one pro, and one con of dating.
PRO: You find out A LOT about yourself. I totally agree with that. I will admit I discovered a ton about myself when I dated a year ago. There's just so much I found out. And most of that stuff I wouldn't have found out without dating. I found out how different it was from being single. Its totally different. I think its a great life experience. It was fun, exciting, insightful, revelation-y (?) spontaneous, and a challenge.
CON: You get too emotionally attached. AMEN. I've been single for over a year now, and I am still emotionally trying to deal with it. A year! I dealt with it immaturely, but the point is, it takes a lot out of you if you break up. I can speak to that personally. I think that's the biggest con. It hurts. But I do think the relationship you have with the other person is worth it. Sounds kinda weird, but that's the best I can word it. So I guess I would rather have a relationship with someone, and deal with the break up, then not have one at all. But that's me.
Maybe this dating thing will get its own blog post.
But, just like at the party, once I got to speak, I didn't no what to say.
It would be easier to ask questions I suppose :)
Now, the car ride home was the best car ride I've had in a long time. Got to take Christine home afterwards.
It was hilarious. There wasn't a dull moment! It started before I started the car.
And there were some hipsters that gave her the "nod" in Old Town. Stupid hipsters.
Not sure what they were doing at 2 in the morning. Probably drugs.
Yeah, that's it. Drugs.
So anyway she's hilarious. There was never an awkward silence. We just kept talking.
Which was awesome. :)
Well I'm going to stop awkwardly complimenting her now.
We had a short story to read in class that we had to write in literature.
I hated my story.
It thought it was terrible. Got to read the first 4 of 10 pages, instead of the whole thing.
Turned out, the class loved it, and wanted me to read the rest.
I did. And they still loved it.
For some reason.
I read their comments, and saw that Christine wanted me to write it more and put her in it.
Well, ever since we started the short stories, I've been expounding on it. So yes, I have been writing more to it. I kinda like where its going, but most of the time I rewrite everything I write. So I've got like maybe a chapter done since then. Mostly cause I write once a week.
Whatevs :)
And I'm adding more to it as we speak.
Not gonna lie.
It's gettin intense!
Ian Quote Of The Day: "Tebow, you're doing it wrong!"
Awesome video. Cool song too.
Might have already had it as Video of the Day, but that one was rushed.
For no reason at all.
I haven't blogged it up in awhile. Not sure why that is. I guess I was being social???
Oh yeah, that's right.
Got to see Tebow Time crash in a fiery explosion, and stayed up til 2 talking about....
But na. Not boys. That would be creepy.
We had a very deep spiritual talk about dating.
While I did barrel rolls across the room. Both were very entertaining.
Everyone there (Ian, Zach, Natalie, Christine, Lauren, and Meghan) all had different views on it. And a lot of it I've never thought about. It made me think. Well, the most thinking I could do at 2 in the morning.
But I loved it.
It was the first time I actually opened up to people, or had some deep conversation with someone, in years.
And that's because I'm a guy. We don't do those kinda things.
So actually doing it with guys AND girls was pretty awesome, I think.
So here's a quick entry into my mind on dating.
I like it! :D
Well, I don't disapprove of it. There's a certain age in which you can start. Don't do it in junior high. Its a joke. It kinda depends on the person, how mature you are, and what you're doing it for. In junior high, I remember we dated for popularity. I didn't partake in it, but I did try (pathetically). Most cause it was mainstream to do it in my class. So I figured I would try. And it seemed exciting back then. So I would say anyone younger than a sophomore is too young to date. But that's just me.
While we were taking, I concluded one pro, and one con of dating.
PRO: You find out A LOT about yourself. I totally agree with that. I will admit I discovered a ton about myself when I dated a year ago. There's just so much I found out. And most of that stuff I wouldn't have found out without dating. I found out how different it was from being single. Its totally different. I think its a great life experience. It was fun, exciting, insightful, revelation-y (?) spontaneous, and a challenge.
CON: You get too emotionally attached. AMEN. I've been single for over a year now, and I am still emotionally trying to deal with it. A year! I dealt with it immaturely, but the point is, it takes a lot out of you if you break up. I can speak to that personally. I think that's the biggest con. It hurts. But I do think the relationship you have with the other person is worth it. Sounds kinda weird, but that's the best I can word it. So I guess I would rather have a relationship with someone, and deal with the break up, then not have one at all. But that's me.
Maybe this dating thing will get its own blog post.
But, just like at the party, once I got to speak, I didn't no what to say.
It would be easier to ask questions I suppose :)
Now, the car ride home was the best car ride I've had in a long time. Got to take Christine home afterwards.
It was hilarious. There wasn't a dull moment! It started before I started the car.
And there were some hipsters that gave her the "nod" in Old Town. Stupid hipsters.
Not sure what they were doing at 2 in the morning. Probably drugs.
Yeah, that's it. Drugs.
So anyway she's hilarious. There was never an awkward silence. We just kept talking.
Which was awesome. :)
Well I'm going to stop awkwardly complimenting her now.
We had a short story to read in class that we had to write in literature.
I hated my story.
It thought it was terrible. Got to read the first 4 of 10 pages, instead of the whole thing.
Turned out, the class loved it, and wanted me to read the rest.
I did. And they still loved it.
For some reason.
I read their comments, and saw that Christine wanted me to write it more and put her in it.
Well, ever since we started the short stories, I've been expounding on it. So yes, I have been writing more to it. I kinda like where its going, but most of the time I rewrite everything I write. So I've got like maybe a chapter done since then. Mostly cause I write once a week.
Whatevs :)
And I'm adding more to it as we speak.
Not gonna lie.
It's gettin intense!
Ian Quote Of The Day: "Tebow, you're doing it wrong!"
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Tebow Mania just got told!
I don't have a video of the day.
Mostly cause its 3 in the morning, and I don't feel like finding one
Today's blog is about, you guessed it, Tim Tebow.
Sorry, had to get that out.
I'm kinda glad I never got on the band wagon.
Because I would be soooo disappointed right now.
I expected it.
Its really late so I might make my points clear very fast.
Tebow has three crap weeks, has one impressive game against the Steelers, and all the Tebow fans use that to say he is a great QB. I had a problem with that, considering the only thing he did for the previous 3 weeks was give the ball to the other team. Tebow fans freaked over the Steelers game. I could go into so much more detail, but I won't. I remember before the game, saying that Tebow still lost to Orton. In which promptly responded, "It doesn't matter that he lost!"
Uhm, yes it does! He had the chance to clinch a playoff berth, and he didn't. We needed the Raiders to lose.
He didn't even score.
So of course it matters. When you have a chance to "Win and you're in" and you don't win, of course its a big deal. Of course it matters.
But honestly, he still completed less than half of his passes against the Steelers. Less than half. I don't remember a time when he did complete more than half.
That's not good QB play. Sure he won 6 straight, but the 3 game losing streak showed us why that way of winning isn't going to work.
His whole regular season consisted of average to below average games. Most of those were below average.
He won games. But that's not solely the QB's job. Its the teams job.
I've said it a thousand times.
I still think the defense deserves more credit than Tebow should.
The defense totally made up for Tebow's lack of offense. It was just the way he won games.
I was happy we were winning. But when your QB is non existent for 95% of the game, you're going to win on flukes, NOT great QB play.
Which is what happened. Whether it be missed FG's, on side kick recoveries, or Prater kicking 59 yard FG's. It wasn't good QB play that won us those games.
So, I'm going to say this in the most humble, and respectful way possible.
I was right!
Which also makes up for all the crap I got for not being on the band wagon for 12 weeks.
Tebow is not a good QB, and those two games against the Patriots shows it.
The Patriots have the second WORST defense in the league.
And look at how many points we scored.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
And no, the defense didn't lose the game for us.
Yes they allowed 45 points, but its also Tom Freaking Brady. You're not going to stop him. A Hall of Fame QB with one of the best WR and two tight ends that could make the pro bowl. Kinda hard to stop that....
If history shows us anything, its that the best way to beat Tom Brady is to out gun him. And Tebow failed to even score. If you're going to beat Tom Brady, you better expect to beat him offensively.
And even if the defense played fantastic, only scoring 10 points isn't going to beat the Patriots. A good defensive game against the Patriots would be holding them to 21 points.
Last time I checked, the Broncos still would have lost.
The better QB wins games. And I think that's been evident the past few weeks.
Except for the Steelers. A healthy Big Ben would have won, in my opinion.
Win as a team, lose as a team.
This was a team effort (or lack thereof).
It was a tough game for the Broncos all around.
Although it doesn't help that your QB had a QBR of 9.
It also doesn't help when your defense lets them score 45 points.
So, in short, I just want to rub it back into all of you Tebow lovers faces.
No, I never hated on Tebow. Most of my comments that degraded him were jokes. And I would share them, knowing full well people knew I didn't like Tebow anyway. Playfully.
But he is my favorite Football player.
NOT my favorite quarterback.
Closing thought, I would have rather lost to the Steelers, than to be embarrassed by the Patriots.
That was dreadful.
Ian Quote Of The Day: "I feel like I'm watching World War I in football form."
(In reference to the Pats/Broncos game).
Friday, January 13, 2012
*Generic Blog Title*
Click Here!
That is easily the funniest video I've seen a long while.
Pure comedic genius! Hilarious!
Too bad he won't have to make a new one.
The Broncos' run ends tomorrow, sadly.
Anyway, today's blog post is not about Tim Tebow.
Although I wore a Tebow jersey at school today.
Everyone thought I was a converted Tebow fan.
I'm not.
My most common response was:
"Why would I have a Tebow jersey? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL."
It was my bro's. I kinda wanted to see what reactions I would get. Instead of hate people were actually nice to me about it.
Which I appreciated. I made it clear that I was a Tebow fan yet, once he out guns Tom Brady. Then I'll think about it.
Because two consecutive career games does not make up for three consecutive crap weeks.
And the 7 average to below average games he had before then.
We'll see next year.
Alright, nuff bout Tebow.
We started video projects this week, and although it will not be as epic as our starter project, the second one is giving us weird results.
We interviewed people in Old Town, and It kinda shocked me what we found. We asked 5 questions:
How did humanity get here?
Do humans have any purpose for being here?
Do you believe in a God?
What happens to us when we die?
And if you could join any religion, which would you chose and why?
I thought we got weird answers.
The majority of the people had really no idea how to answer them. Almost as if we asked them questions that they've never asked themselves before.
Most of the answers were "I don't know."
We interviewed 2 Catholics.
One believed in Creation, but also in evolution. (?)
The other didn't even know how we got here, but in terms of a God, she said that she believes there is "something out there." And then she said she was Catholic.
Last time I checked Catholics were theists that believed in God.
No just that "something" was out there.
But yeah, the general lack of knowledge surprised me. I thought most people would be able to answer those questions.
I guess society has swayed away from finding it a necessity to answer these tough questions.
Anyway, that was all I really had to talk about.
Our video project sequel I think is going to disappoint based on the popularity from out last one. I mean its a sequel, so it kinda had to suck by default.
I think we'll still get an A on it though.
Which, at the end of the day is what we were going for.
Ian Quote Of The Day: Mrs Hahn- "What did the United States do to assert itself as a world power in the early 1900's?"
Ian- "Teddy Freaking Roosevelt!"
That is easily the funniest video I've seen a long while.
Pure comedic genius! Hilarious!
Too bad he won't have to make a new one.
The Broncos' run ends tomorrow, sadly.
Anyway, today's blog post is not about Tim Tebow.
Although I wore a Tebow jersey at school today.
Everyone thought I was a converted Tebow fan.
I'm not.
My most common response was:
"Why would I have a Tebow jersey? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL."
It was my bro's. I kinda wanted to see what reactions I would get. Instead of hate people were actually nice to me about it.
Which I appreciated. I made it clear that I was a Tebow fan yet, once he out guns Tom Brady. Then I'll think about it.
Because two consecutive career games does not make up for three consecutive crap weeks.
And the 7 average to below average games he had before then.
We'll see next year.
Alright, nuff bout Tebow.
We started video projects this week, and although it will not be as epic as our starter project, the second one is giving us weird results.
We interviewed people in Old Town, and It kinda shocked me what we found. We asked 5 questions:
How did humanity get here?
Do humans have any purpose for being here?
Do you believe in a God?
What happens to us when we die?
And if you could join any religion, which would you chose and why?
I thought we got weird answers.
The majority of the people had really no idea how to answer them. Almost as if we asked them questions that they've never asked themselves before.
Most of the answers were "I don't know."
We interviewed 2 Catholics.
One believed in Creation, but also in evolution. (?)
The other didn't even know how we got here, but in terms of a God, she said that she believes there is "something out there." And then she said she was Catholic.
Last time I checked Catholics were theists that believed in God.
No just that "something" was out there.
But yeah, the general lack of knowledge surprised me. I thought most people would be able to answer those questions.
I guess society has swayed away from finding it a necessity to answer these tough questions.
Anyway, that was all I really had to talk about.
Our video project sequel I think is going to disappoint based on the popularity from out last one. I mean its a sequel, so it kinda had to suck by default.
I think we'll still get an A on it though.
Which, at the end of the day is what we were going for.
Ian Quote Of The Day: Mrs Hahn- "What did the United States do to assert itself as a world power in the early 1900's?"
Ian- "Teddy Freaking Roosevelt!"
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
This is getting serious guys
Click Here!
Crappy quality. But its the message that counts right?
And the message is hilarious!
But the past few days has brought me attention to a very disturbing reality and truth.
This issue has brought tension to my well being.
It's not Tim Tebow.
Its about that one chick in Lord of the Rings that totally leads Aragorn on.
It all started yesterday. We watched the Lord the of Rings trilogy consecutively non stop.
Well, Ian and I played LOTR Total War. But we watched.
When Ian brought up the fact that that one elven chick completely leads Aragorn on.
And she ends up with Faramir at the end of the trilogy.
?????????????????????*stumped face*??????????
Although Christine seems to believe that Aragorn lead HER on. But we all know that's not true.
Oh, you know. He only had to save Middle Earth from total Orc domination.
He had too much on his mind to lead her on.
He was too busy being a complete man to do that.
She totally lead him on. If you watched the movies you would know exactly what I'm talking about.
Its totally obvious how that one chick leads Aragorn on.
And while he was being too busy defending Middle Earth from Orc hordes (No big deal), she realized Faromir was open. Moving from one guy to the next...
But Faromir was too busy being dead, and then being almost killed by his father, and then fending off a Orc horde with Aragorn.
Its like she had a line of guys she could go to if Aragorn didn't work out. Faromir was probably like plan D for her.
Freaking wow.
Tisk tisk.
She was persistent, I'll give you that. But it's still not good.
Guess chicks dig total men. Who fight Orcs and save humanity n such.
There ya go Lauren!
A whole blog about that one chick who leads Aragorn on in the Lord of the Rings.
Hope you enjoyed it! :) haha!
Ian Quote Of The Day: "He's a total babe!"
Crappy quality. But its the message that counts right?
And the message is hilarious!
But the past few days has brought me attention to a very disturbing reality and truth.
This issue has brought tension to my well being.
It's not Tim Tebow.
Its about that one chick in Lord of the Rings that totally leads Aragorn on.
It all started yesterday. We watched the Lord the of Rings trilogy consecutively non stop.
Well, Ian and I played LOTR Total War. But we watched.
When Ian brought up the fact that that one elven chick completely leads Aragorn on.
And she ends up with Faramir at the end of the trilogy.
?????????????????????*stumped face*??????????
Although Christine seems to believe that Aragorn lead HER on. But we all know that's not true.
Oh, you know. He only had to save Middle Earth from total Orc domination.
He had too much on his mind to lead her on.
He was too busy being a complete man to do that.
She totally lead him on. If you watched the movies you would know exactly what I'm talking about.
Its totally obvious how that one chick leads Aragorn on.
And while he was being too busy defending Middle Earth from Orc hordes (No big deal), she realized Faromir was open. Moving from one guy to the next...
But Faromir was too busy being dead, and then being almost killed by his father, and then fending off a Orc horde with Aragorn.
Its like she had a line of guys she could go to if Aragorn didn't work out. Faromir was probably like plan D for her.
Freaking wow.
Tisk tisk.
She was persistent, I'll give you that. But it's still not good.
Guess chicks dig total men. Who fight Orcs and save humanity n such.
There ya go Lauren!
A whole blog about that one chick who leads Aragorn on in the Lord of the Rings.
Hope you enjoyed it! :) haha!
Ian Quote Of The Day: "He's a total babe!"
Monday, January 9, 2012
I'm not sure :D
Click Here!!
That is another one of my edited videos. I'd appreciate you check it out.
Then tell me how bad it is.
Hello folks.
This is my first blog since my Thomas Time! post that got me record pageviews.
That's a lot for me, don't judge.
I would like to start off my saying my opinion may or may not have angered some people.
If it did, cool. I was told not to express my opinion if it angered people. I don't really care if it angers people. How you handle to react to my opinion is not my problem. It's yours. I don't intend to anger people. We are fighting over a meaningless GAME at the end of the day. MOST people know that almost all of the time I argue over Tim Tebow its nothing serious. My posts about Tebow jokes most of the time. The comments are the debate part. If you love Tebow, good for you! Always nice to have faith in your QB.
I don't like Tebow as a QB. YET.
I'm so sick of getting crap and getting hated on for not being on the Tebow wagon. And I get a lot of crap.
So stop.
I have my reasons for not liking him yet. And I've expressed them. Read them.
I get crap for not agreeing with about 99.99% of Colorado.
I haven't given anyone crap for loving Tebow. If I have I'm not aware of it.
Mostly because it's nothing like the crap that I get.
Enough of that.
Time for actual blogging.
Watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy all the way through today with ma friennnndsssss :)
It was awesome! Absolute BEST way to finish off the break and start a new year.
Might have also played Total War for 10 hours straight with Ian. But it was a Lord of the Rings mod, so I lived the story while I watched it :)
Then discovered a multiplayer campaign with Ian. Had no idea you could.
We're gonna have a lot of fun with that.
I would go into detail about today, but I don't feel like it. School's tomorrow. Not in the mood.
If you read my posts before I drafted them, you know it's been a rough week for me.
I feel A LOT better since then.
Never thought a blog would save my life.
But the majority of my well being was a late night talk with Christine! :D
She totally helped. I didn't think I could talk to anyone about it, but then she showed up and was all like:
She said more than that.
A lot more.
Like 2 and a half hours worth.
But its incredibly helpful talking with someone who knows what's up.
I don't think I've thanked her enough, so she's getting another blog shout out.
You're awesome! :D
So yeah. Been feeling a lot better. Whatever was weighing me down has left, and it feels great. Some of that was just letting it all out on my blog. Most of it was Christine reading it. And Caleb telling me he's got my back. That did it. The overwhelming sense of regret and self hate has left. I've even been thinking of it less. Which is good. Gotta love that. And yeah, I pretty much said it all. It left and I feel great!
Ian Quote Of The Day: " "
I lied. No Ian quote today, although I spent all day with him. Weird.
Instead, by popular demand (and by popular I mean Caleb wanted me to), I'm doing a Ben (me) quote.
Christine: "You're not in Mordor yet!!" (In reference to me being Frodo in LOTR)
Me: "I'm close enough! I'd be closer than you!"
Christine: "Nu, uh!"
Me: "Yes! You'd still be in the kitchen! WHAT'S UP!?!? *High Fives Natalie and Ian*"
Christine: ":O"
Needless to say I was not on her good side after that.
She punched me. And chased me while I pranced around Caleb's basement.
Still not sure how I get on her good side again.
Said I couldn't redeem myself.
Oh well.
She can't resist my boyish charm for long. :D
That is another one of my edited videos. I'd appreciate you check it out.
Then tell me how bad it is.
Hello folks.
This is my first blog since my Thomas Time! post that got me record pageviews.
That's a lot for me, don't judge.
I would like to start off my saying my opinion may or may not have angered some people.
If it did, cool. I was told not to express my opinion if it angered people. I don't really care if it angers people. How you handle to react to my opinion is not my problem. It's yours. I don't intend to anger people. We are fighting over a meaningless GAME at the end of the day. MOST people know that almost all of the time I argue over Tim Tebow its nothing serious. My posts about Tebow jokes most of the time. The comments are the debate part. If you love Tebow, good for you! Always nice to have faith in your QB.
I don't like Tebow as a QB. YET.
I'm so sick of getting crap and getting hated on for not being on the Tebow wagon. And I get a lot of crap.
So stop.
I have my reasons for not liking him yet. And I've expressed them. Read them.
I get crap for not agreeing with about 99.99% of Colorado.
I haven't given anyone crap for loving Tebow. If I have I'm not aware of it.
Mostly because it's nothing like the crap that I get.
Enough of that.
Time for actual blogging.
Watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy all the way through today with ma friennnndsssss :)
It was awesome! Absolute BEST way to finish off the break and start a new year.
Might have also played Total War for 10 hours straight with Ian. But it was a Lord of the Rings mod, so I lived the story while I watched it :)
Then discovered a multiplayer campaign with Ian. Had no idea you could.
We're gonna have a lot of fun with that.
I would go into detail about today, but I don't feel like it. School's tomorrow. Not in the mood.
If you read my posts before I drafted them, you know it's been a rough week for me.
I feel A LOT better since then.
Never thought a blog would save my life.
But the majority of my well being was a late night talk with Christine! :D
She totally helped. I didn't think I could talk to anyone about it, but then she showed up and was all like:
She said more than that.
A lot more.
Like 2 and a half hours worth.
But its incredibly helpful talking with someone who knows what's up.
I don't think I've thanked her enough, so she's getting another blog shout out.
You're awesome! :D
So yeah. Been feeling a lot better. Whatever was weighing me down has left, and it feels great. Some of that was just letting it all out on my blog. Most of it was Christine reading it. And Caleb telling me he's got my back. That did it. The overwhelming sense of regret and self hate has left. I've even been thinking of it less. Which is good. Gotta love that. And yeah, I pretty much said it all. It left and I feel great!
Ian Quote Of The Day: " "
I lied. No Ian quote today, although I spent all day with him. Weird.
Instead, by popular demand (and by popular I mean Caleb wanted me to), I'm doing a Ben (me) quote.
Christine: "You're not in Mordor yet!!" (In reference to me being Frodo in LOTR)
Me: "I'm close enough! I'd be closer than you!"
Christine: "Nu, uh!"
Me: "Yes! You'd still be in the kitchen! WHAT'S UP!?!? *High Fives Natalie and Ian*"
Christine: ":O"
Needless to say I was not on her good side after that.
She punched me. And chased me while I pranced around Caleb's basement.
Still not sure how I get on her good side again.
Said I couldn't redeem myself.
Oh well.
She can't resist my boyish charm for long. :D
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Thomas Time!
Click Here!
Man, I love Tosh.0 That guy is hilarious!
Now, to the topic at hand, the Broncos dramatic OT win over the Steelers in the Wild Card game today (Sunday).
It was great. It was awesome. It was epic.
I'll be the first to say I had Pitt tromping the Broncos in this game. And for good reason. In a nut shell, Tebow's past 3 games and the Steeler's top ranked defense.
I gave Tebow no shot at all, obviously, being a Tebow critic.
But after this game, man you must think I am on the Tebow wagon now, huh?
Chuck Testa.
No I am not. I'm not crazy! I can quote myself saying "I'll get on when we win a game in the playoffs."
Well we did, and I'm not.
You guys think Tim Tebow is a great QB.
I don't.
Here's why:
Tim Tebow had, statistically, the WORST three game stretch of any QB in like 10 years. That's a lot of QB's that's bad, and a lot of bad QB's that's played since then. And he had the worst. Me, not already being on the wagon, saw great fun out of this. For the 7 game win streak I would get crap for not thinking Tebow was a good QB. That three game stretch proved my point. And, I still got crap? What? I heard every flipping excuse in the book during that losing streak, all to protect Tim Tebow.
First it was our defense against Tom Brady, not Tebow. In short, you are not going to stop Tom Brady offensively. You HAVE to out score him to win. And, New England had one of the worst defenses in the league, and Tebow couldn't get one pass touchdown. Sure, he had 2 running scores, but that doesn't make him a good QB. That's like saying Dwight Howard is a good Point Guard because he had 10 assists in one game.
Next, against the Buffalo game, they just side tracked it. They just avoided the issue. Never mind the fact that he threw 3 INT's, or that the Bills were on a 7-game losing streak. It wasn't his fault. For whatever reason, I didn't argue. It was a lost cause.
Then, against Kansas City. I personally had a lot of fun with that one. Kyle Orton coming back, and beating Tebow at home in Denver. That was a good day. Because I had Orton's back the whole way. And I got crap for that too. That game shut the Tebow lovers up for a bit. And being on break, I couldn't gloat at school. But it made me laugh. I loved it!
And on top of that, Matt Flynn (Aaron Rodgers' back up in Green Bay) threw 6 TD's in ONE game. Which is funny, considering he is a back up. And considering he is backing up Aaron Rodgers, so he wouldn't get playing time anyway. And I just had to throw out that Flynn had more passing TD's in one game than Tim Tebow did over a 7 game stretch. Yep, I said 7. I said that on Facebook. Didn't get any responses though.
Now, time for the actual playoff game. I watched the whole thing through, first time in like a year. It was a great game. Very entertaining. But once again, Tebow showed up for one quarter, which was the second. Otherwise he didn't do much of anything. Which is typical Tebow, except that instead of the 2md quarter, he usually shows up with 2 minutes to go in the fourth. Hey, he won games. I wasn't complaining about that. It was how he does it. He is completely non-existent for the first 57 minutes of a game, then gets a miracle drive at the end, at gets all the credit. Even when the defense played awesome, consistent football for the WHOLE game and kept him in it. And that's all I heard during that 7 game streak. Everyone was yelling "Tebow! Tebow!" I was yelling "Defense! Defense!"
Back to the game.
Yep he has one really good quarter. The only reason he had so many yards, was because all of his 10 completions were home runs. And he had 10 completions. And that Royal TD was at least 90% Royal. Tebow had a good pass (FINALLY) but that defender was all over Royal. And that 50 yard pass to Thomas was good too. Not lying here. But Thomas did one heck of a job too make sure he held on to the ball while being tackled. Yes he had 316 pass yards, but 204 of those were to ONE person. Thomas. Maybe it would help me to be on the Tebow wagon, if he didn't just pass to one person. And all of those were deep throws anyway, of course he is going to rack up pass yards. No surprise there. If I only threw deep passes, I would rack up yards too. Any QB could. So I don't honestly see that as a huge deal. And 204 of those yards came thanks to Demaryius Thomas. Take away Thomas or at least have him have an average game, and I guarantee you Tebow doesn't pass for more than 160 yards that game.
Now for the red zone. He had only one TD in the red zone, and it was a rushing TD anyway. All the other trips ended up in FG. Which, I kinda wish we took advantage of. Can't settle for FG! And through out the game, I saw plenty of missed receivers (Most of which were open), and badly thrown passes. I saw one that looked like Matt Prater was trying to kick a field goal. He is too conservative. Sure he doesn't throw picks, but that's also because he only throws it maybe 20 times a game, and he doesn't trust himself enough yet. Or else he would be throwing the ball more.
Tebow had a good game, I'm not saying he didn't.
Now, for the OT. New rules for playoff over time. Very exciting. I was pumped. First play of OT, BOOM! Tebow to Thomas for 80 yards FTW. I'm already getting crap for wanting to give the credit to Thomas.
"Did you see that throw?!?!"
Yes, I watched. It was a pass. The only thing that was special about it, is that it didn't end up on the ground (Yes, that was a Tebow bash right there). It was your average good pass. It was special for Tebow, because it was a good spiral and on target (yes, another Tebow bash). ANY other QB would have made that pass. That's easy for them. I think its funny. Tebow gets his first perfect pass and it happens to be the game winner. So what? Did you turn the tv off? Did you watch Thomas's run? He stiffed armed a defender (which would have slowed him down), then out ran two defenders for 80 yards. All Tebow had to do was give him the ball, which wasn't even that hard to begin with. I'm giving Thomas credit for that score. Yes, Tebow gets some, mostly cause its his TD too. But the hype? For one good pass? It's starting to bug me.
Yes I give Tebow credit for the victory.
But Thomas should get a ton of credit too.
And the defense.
All the facebook statuses say something about Tebow. Mine says something about Thomas.
And I'm getting bashed for it.
Defense held Pitt to 6 points in the first half. And that Big Ben pass near the end was all skill and a little luck. That was a great catch, you can't deny it. That was a pinpoint throw by Ben, putting it where the defense couldn't reach it. And the catch was fantastic. You can't defend that.
And when you consider Pitt was playing without 7 (I think? Maybe one or two less) starters, and playing with a QB that had one and a half ankles.
They were missing their starting center, starting running back (who is probably one of the best in the league), their starting nose tackle, one of their safety's (?) can't remember the position, but he lead their team in tackles, and several others. That is one banged up Pitt team. Did I mention their running back coach is hospitalized for severe burns (my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family)? That' a lot of injuries, and a huge distraction. Along with a QB at maybe 75% healthy. If they were healthy, I don't think we would have won. I don't even think we would have put up more than 10. That's a fact. I think the Pitt injuries had a huge impact on the game. Instead of being healthy, they missed some key injuries, and ended up losing.
A win is a win. And I'm going to give Tebow credit for this one. But Thomas and our defense played great, so they should get a lot of recognition too.
Yes. Tebow had a good game. Have I said otherwise?
One good game out of 12 possible games doesn't impress me.
Want to know my opinion? Tebow is a great Football player. In my opinion he is not a good QB. NOT YET. He will be! I'm agreeing with you guys; I'm just not doing it right now. He WILL be a good QB. I don't think he is good now. I don't hate Tebow. People keep saying I do. I DON'T. He is my favorite player in the NFL. I don't like him as a quarter back, YET. I'm not convinced. I am convinced he will become a good QB.
Tebow is well on his way to becoming a good legit NFL QB.
Next year, I'll hop on! Can't wait!
It was a great game. Can't wait for New England.
I'm just waiting for Tebow to be consistent. Consistently good. This was the game I was hoping for all year from him. Now once he can do it multiple times consistently, then I'll be on the band wagon. For now, we're gonna have to wait until next year.
That's my opinion. You can take it however you want. You can react to it however you want. I don't care. If you have a problem with it, fine. We can talk about it, I'm open for discussion. I'm sick of getting crap for "hating" on Tebow. I'm not. If that's how you took it then cool. That's not what I'm saying.
Next week's final score-
New England: 37
Denver: 21
Man, I love Tosh.0 That guy is hilarious!
Now, to the topic at hand, the Broncos dramatic OT win over the Steelers in the Wild Card game today (Sunday).
It was great. It was awesome. It was epic.
I'll be the first to say I had Pitt tromping the Broncos in this game. And for good reason. In a nut shell, Tebow's past 3 games and the Steeler's top ranked defense.
I gave Tebow no shot at all, obviously, being a Tebow critic.
But after this game, man you must think I am on the Tebow wagon now, huh?
Chuck Testa.
No I am not. I'm not crazy! I can quote myself saying "I'll get on when we win a game in the playoffs."
Well we did, and I'm not.
You guys think Tim Tebow is a great QB.
I don't.
Here's why:
Tim Tebow had, statistically, the WORST three game stretch of any QB in like 10 years. That's a lot of QB's that's bad, and a lot of bad QB's that's played since then. And he had the worst. Me, not already being on the wagon, saw great fun out of this. For the 7 game win streak I would get crap for not thinking Tebow was a good QB. That three game stretch proved my point. And, I still got crap? What? I heard every flipping excuse in the book during that losing streak, all to protect Tim Tebow.
First it was our defense against Tom Brady, not Tebow. In short, you are not going to stop Tom Brady offensively. You HAVE to out score him to win. And, New England had one of the worst defenses in the league, and Tebow couldn't get one pass touchdown. Sure, he had 2 running scores, but that doesn't make him a good QB. That's like saying Dwight Howard is a good Point Guard because he had 10 assists in one game.
Next, against the Buffalo game, they just side tracked it. They just avoided the issue. Never mind the fact that he threw 3 INT's, or that the Bills were on a 7-game losing streak. It wasn't his fault. For whatever reason, I didn't argue. It was a lost cause.
Then, against Kansas City. I personally had a lot of fun with that one. Kyle Orton coming back, and beating Tebow at home in Denver. That was a good day. Because I had Orton's back the whole way. And I got crap for that too. That game shut the Tebow lovers up for a bit. And being on break, I couldn't gloat at school. But it made me laugh. I loved it!
And on top of that, Matt Flynn (Aaron Rodgers' back up in Green Bay) threw 6 TD's in ONE game. Which is funny, considering he is a back up. And considering he is backing up Aaron Rodgers, so he wouldn't get playing time anyway. And I just had to throw out that Flynn had more passing TD's in one game than Tim Tebow did over a 7 game stretch. Yep, I said 7. I said that on Facebook. Didn't get any responses though.
Now, time for the actual playoff game. I watched the whole thing through, first time in like a year. It was a great game. Very entertaining. But once again, Tebow showed up for one quarter, which was the second. Otherwise he didn't do much of anything. Which is typical Tebow, except that instead of the 2md quarter, he usually shows up with 2 minutes to go in the fourth. Hey, he won games. I wasn't complaining about that. It was how he does it. He is completely non-existent for the first 57 minutes of a game, then gets a miracle drive at the end, at gets all the credit. Even when the defense played awesome, consistent football for the WHOLE game and kept him in it. And that's all I heard during that 7 game streak. Everyone was yelling "Tebow! Tebow!" I was yelling "Defense! Defense!"
Back to the game.
Yep he has one really good quarter. The only reason he had so many yards, was because all of his 10 completions were home runs. And he had 10 completions. And that Royal TD was at least 90% Royal. Tebow had a good pass (FINALLY) but that defender was all over Royal. And that 50 yard pass to Thomas was good too. Not lying here. But Thomas did one heck of a job too make sure he held on to the ball while being tackled. Yes he had 316 pass yards, but 204 of those were to ONE person. Thomas. Maybe it would help me to be on the Tebow wagon, if he didn't just pass to one person. And all of those were deep throws anyway, of course he is going to rack up pass yards. No surprise there. If I only threw deep passes, I would rack up yards too. Any QB could. So I don't honestly see that as a huge deal. And 204 of those yards came thanks to Demaryius Thomas. Take away Thomas or at least have him have an average game, and I guarantee you Tebow doesn't pass for more than 160 yards that game.
Now for the red zone. He had only one TD in the red zone, and it was a rushing TD anyway. All the other trips ended up in FG. Which, I kinda wish we took advantage of. Can't settle for FG! And through out the game, I saw plenty of missed receivers (Most of which were open), and badly thrown passes. I saw one that looked like Matt Prater was trying to kick a field goal. He is too conservative. Sure he doesn't throw picks, but that's also because he only throws it maybe 20 times a game, and he doesn't trust himself enough yet. Or else he would be throwing the ball more.
Tebow had a good game, I'm not saying he didn't.
Now, for the OT. New rules for playoff over time. Very exciting. I was pumped. First play of OT, BOOM! Tebow to Thomas for 80 yards FTW. I'm already getting crap for wanting to give the credit to Thomas.
"Did you see that throw?!?!"
Yes, I watched. It was a pass. The only thing that was special about it, is that it didn't end up on the ground (Yes, that was a Tebow bash right there). It was your average good pass. It was special for Tebow, because it was a good spiral and on target (yes, another Tebow bash). ANY other QB would have made that pass. That's easy for them. I think its funny. Tebow gets his first perfect pass and it happens to be the game winner. So what? Did you turn the tv off? Did you watch Thomas's run? He stiffed armed a defender (which would have slowed him down), then out ran two defenders for 80 yards. All Tebow had to do was give him the ball, which wasn't even that hard to begin with. I'm giving Thomas credit for that score. Yes, Tebow gets some, mostly cause its his TD too. But the hype? For one good pass? It's starting to bug me.
Yes I give Tebow credit for the victory.
But Thomas should get a ton of credit too.
And the defense.
All the facebook statuses say something about Tebow. Mine says something about Thomas.
And I'm getting bashed for it.
Defense held Pitt to 6 points in the first half. And that Big Ben pass near the end was all skill and a little luck. That was a great catch, you can't deny it. That was a pinpoint throw by Ben, putting it where the defense couldn't reach it. And the catch was fantastic. You can't defend that.
And when you consider Pitt was playing without 7 (I think? Maybe one or two less) starters, and playing with a QB that had one and a half ankles.
They were missing their starting center, starting running back (who is probably one of the best in the league), their starting nose tackle, one of their safety's (?) can't remember the position, but he lead their team in tackles, and several others. That is one banged up Pitt team. Did I mention their running back coach is hospitalized for severe burns (my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family)? That' a lot of injuries, and a huge distraction. Along with a QB at maybe 75% healthy. If they were healthy, I don't think we would have won. I don't even think we would have put up more than 10. That's a fact. I think the Pitt injuries had a huge impact on the game. Instead of being healthy, they missed some key injuries, and ended up losing.
A win is a win. And I'm going to give Tebow credit for this one. But Thomas and our defense played great, so they should get a lot of recognition too.
Yes. Tebow had a good game. Have I said otherwise?
One good game out of 12 possible games doesn't impress me.
Want to know my opinion? Tebow is a great Football player. In my opinion he is not a good QB. NOT YET. He will be! I'm agreeing with you guys; I'm just not doing it right now. He WILL be a good QB. I don't think he is good now. I don't hate Tebow. People keep saying I do. I DON'T. He is my favorite player in the NFL. I don't like him as a quarter back, YET. I'm not convinced. I am convinced he will become a good QB.
Tebow is well on his way to becoming a good legit NFL QB.
Next year, I'll hop on! Can't wait!
It was a great game. Can't wait for New England.
I'm just waiting for Tebow to be consistent. Consistently good. This was the game I was hoping for all year from him. Now once he can do it multiple times consistently, then I'll be on the band wagon. For now, we're gonna have to wait until next year.
That's my opinion. You can take it however you want. You can react to it however you want. I don't care. If you have a problem with it, fine. We can talk about it, I'm open for discussion. I'm sick of getting crap for "hating" on Tebow. I'm not. If that's how you took it then cool. That's not what I'm saying.
Next week's final score-
New England: 37
Denver: 21
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Modern Warfare 3 (Or is it 2.10?)
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Just because it's pro Battlefield :)
Hello! I felt like doing another review!
So I chose the Moist Anticipated Game in History: Modern Warfare 3.
As you may have figured out by now, I am completely biased against this game. So, I'm doing the best I can to come into this unbiased. It's gonna be hard.
But here we go.
I have no idea where to start :/
Perhaps why its the most anticipated game in history? Well, there's a lot reasons for it. It's a distinguished gaming franchise, that's churned out several quality games, leading to more fans. It's competed with Halo and Battlefield for tops in FPS, and has continued to do so ever since. It's action packed, incredibly fast paced, and it gives the player a sense of worth when they do good.
I became a fan of Call of Duty early on, but that's when I had the PS2 and only played the campaigns, which were really fun. Didn't play the multiplayer until World at War came out.
And quite honestly, the BIGGEST reason I got it was because of Nazi Zombies. I rarely played the online mulitplayer until MW2 came out, which I thought was a good game.
I kinda hopped onto the Black Ops band wagon, but the more I played it, the more I saw it was a terrible game. It was the first time I didn't play the campaign through, and the multiplayer was dreadful. It was probably the easiest game I've played online. Did it even require effort? I was consistently busting out 30-10, 40-8, and even some 50 kill matches. And that was consistently. It got boring. Then there was the obvious glaring problems with it.
The graphics.
The game play.
The cheaters.
The hackers.
The campers.
The noob toobers.
The little kids.
The lack of team work.
Just to name a few.
It was fun, considering it was easy. But just terrible.
Now, to MW3.
I'm going to talk about the graphics first off.
Before it was released, I saw some of the game play. Want to know my first thought was?
"This isn't MW3, this has got to be MW2, except I've never played this level before..."
The exact same engine as MW2, I though that was retarded.
I watched a pro MW3 video on YouTube, and the guy commented on the graphics saying, "MW3 graphics are exactly the same to Modern Warfare 2, but that's ok because Modern Warfare 2 was an excellent game."
You know what? It also came out TWO years ago. And the updated version looks exactly the same.
Sure its somewhat better, its a little more clear, better color, etc, but the same engine?
And the main menu is EXACTLY like MW2. They couldn't even change that up?
MW3 or MW2.1?
So in short, I hate the graphics.
Next, the game play.
Call of Duty has churned out very nice and fun shooter games, Run and gun. Which is fun, don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't think its not fun, it is. But I mean they've turned out the same game every year, just with different mods to it. And I honestly think that. Because of that, I honestly don't think MW3 was worth $60. Because its the same game. Just with different maps, guns, perks.
But the maps really annoyed me too. The first time I played MW3, I instantly recognized maps from MW2. I almost thought they were copies. I saw:
All in MW3. Can we please have some map variety? I also was kinda annoyed at the Survival mode maps. They were the multiplayer maps. Its a brand new game type, couldn't they have put new maps to go with it?
Now the guns. I didn't really have too much problem with the guns.
Still kinda annoyed that Black Ops based their guns off airsoft guns. Yep, airsoft guns.
I don't think Modern Warfare 3 did, but still. Guns were pretty cool.
Actually scratch that part about the guns.
I wrote that, then left to a friends, in which we played MW3.
The guns are, uhm, not ok anymore. When I played, I didn't experience any kick/recoil at all. Just aim and shoot, no need to account for recoil huh?
And the way they sounded. I almost faceplamed myself, just based on how they made the guns sound.
One sniper (can't remember at this point) sounded like something from Star Trek. It shot like this:
Like a laser. :/
Perks. Everyone's favorite. Made to make terrible players better, and the already good players annoying to play with. And I think as the perks get even more retarded as the games go on. There was that one perk everyone hated, but everyone used.
MW2: Commando
Black Ops: Ghost
I haven't exactly played MW3 enough to hate a perk, I just hate how they did the perks.
So apparently you can have like 8 perks at once? With the Specialist streak thingy at least.
And having multiple attachments doesn't need a perk anymore. Which, I can't decide if I like or not. :O
I've kinda always hated the perks, they didn't float with me.
Now the campaign.
Personally, if I did buy MW3, I would have because of the campaign, because they made it look sick. Obviously, I'm not stupid enough to buy a $60 just for the campaign.
I thought it looked sweet. America being invaded, Europe on its knees, it caught my attention.
But then I played it.
I found it incredibly easy. At one point, I was running down the middle of a firefight because NOBODY was shooting me.
The first level (The Wall Street one), I just picked apart while I'm playing it. First off, the very beginning. You have a gun with no clip or ammo in it, a team mate tosses one clip at you, and BOOM you got 600 shots. Which threw me off.
Secondly, the names. Sandman, was the most glaring one. I thought that they came up with the most childish names for the characters. Then it hit me. 95% of Call Of Duty players are like 10 years old. At least they realized what their audience is consisted of.
Thirdly, the helicopters. During the helicopter "fight" from the first level, you are in a Black Hawk. A troop transport. And you have to kill like 5 enemy Attack helicopters. And they're Russian. I don't think a troop transport could take down 5 attack helicopters. And then there is how the helicopters died. They all were shot down in the exact same way. They all had an explosion in the tail, then spun out of control. No matter where you hit them, the tail would blow up. And the last one, shot down like the other four, randomly launches it self at your helicopter, crash into your tail, head on, then blows up. But don't worry. You had a German helicopter, so you helicopter is perfectly fine. Which I thought was stupid. And its in New York, so you know, hundreds of buildings, and you're unloading with a chain gun. No destruction. At all. That made me :(
Now the next level, with the navy seals. It was pretty cool, until you get to the Russian submarine. Then it got sketch. I'm just gonna skip to the cut scene when you shoot the missiles. But the action until then is generic Call of Duty. Well the cut scene is when you and your squad, get to control room of the main submarine, and hijack its missile system to shoot the missiles at the Russian's own fleet. My first thought, "Good thing the Russians have their cruise missiles already programmed to bomb their own fleet." Because I'm pretty sure a navy seal couldn't hack a Russian submarine to reprogram its missiles. Think about it.
Not gonna happen. And it said that the single Russian sub had enough missiles to wipe out the ENTIRE east coast of the US. I was shocked, because when it shows the missiles shooting, it shoots off maybe 10 at the max. :/ Not enough to wipe out the entire east coast.
Now my favorite, the level on the airplane. It gets hijacked by terrorists, then blows up.
But its ok, you survive. Along with everyone else that was on the plane.
It starts off with terrorists hijacking the plane, but there's a lot. I mean a lot. Which is surprising, considering the Russian President himself was on the plane. Psh, they don't need security. The Russian version of the sweater vest is bullet proof. So they good.
I would be ok with maybe 10 terrorists getting on. But there was like 30. Bull crap!
And when the plane is shot in half, you are literally feet away from the breaking point, you could touch the outside of the plane you were so close. But you don't get sucked out.
And then the plane crashes. But everyone survives. I mean everyone. Nobody dies, except for maybe the minor character. *Sigh*
That was me playing the campaign. It was good, I guess, for Call of Duty standards. You didn't have to think about it, you just did. Kinda like Transformers. Its a great movie for action and stuff, but if you honestly think about it, none of it makes any sense.
My final honest verdict on the game: 4/10.
Honestly, that is completely unbiased. I don't see much of a difference, besides the customization and survival mode, from Modern Warfare 2. I think its the exact same game. Which is why it didn't win any awards, and BF3 won 60+. (That might have been biased:).
In short, Call of Duty will be nothing more than an arcade game. You can't really improve an arcade game.
As one YouTuber commented:
"Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary changed more from Halo: CE the original than Modern Warfare 3 changed from Modern Warfare 2."
It's funny because Halo: CEA tried to be the exact same.
MW3 didn't :)
I just re read this and realized I wrote this completely biased against it.
But trust me, every word is true. If not, pick up the controller and experience it for yourself.
And if you don't have MW3, that's ok. I'm sure you have MW2.
They are pretty much the same thing.
Just because it's pro Battlefield :)
Hello! I felt like doing another review!
So I chose the Moist Anticipated Game in History: Modern Warfare 3.
As you may have figured out by now, I am completely biased against this game. So, I'm doing the best I can to come into this unbiased. It's gonna be hard.
But here we go.
I have no idea where to start :/
Perhaps why its the most anticipated game in history? Well, there's a lot reasons for it. It's a distinguished gaming franchise, that's churned out several quality games, leading to more fans. It's competed with Halo and Battlefield for tops in FPS, and has continued to do so ever since. It's action packed, incredibly fast paced, and it gives the player a sense of worth when they do good.
I became a fan of Call of Duty early on, but that's when I had the PS2 and only played the campaigns, which were really fun. Didn't play the multiplayer until World at War came out.
And quite honestly, the BIGGEST reason I got it was because of Nazi Zombies. I rarely played the online mulitplayer until MW2 came out, which I thought was a good game.
I kinda hopped onto the Black Ops band wagon, but the more I played it, the more I saw it was a terrible game. It was the first time I didn't play the campaign through, and the multiplayer was dreadful. It was probably the easiest game I've played online. Did it even require effort? I was consistently busting out 30-10, 40-8, and even some 50 kill matches. And that was consistently. It got boring. Then there was the obvious glaring problems with it.
The graphics.
The game play.
The cheaters.
The hackers.
The campers.
The noob toobers.
The little kids.
The lack of team work.
Just to name a few.
It was fun, considering it was easy. But just terrible.
Now, to MW3.
I'm going to talk about the graphics first off.
Before it was released, I saw some of the game play. Want to know my first thought was?
"This isn't MW3, this has got to be MW2, except I've never played this level before..."
The exact same engine as MW2, I though that was retarded.
I watched a pro MW3 video on YouTube, and the guy commented on the graphics saying, "MW3 graphics are exactly the same to Modern Warfare 2, but that's ok because Modern Warfare 2 was an excellent game."
You know what? It also came out TWO years ago. And the updated version looks exactly the same.
Sure its somewhat better, its a little more clear, better color, etc, but the same engine?
And the main menu is EXACTLY like MW2. They couldn't even change that up?
MW3 or MW2.1?
So in short, I hate the graphics.
Next, the game play.
Call of Duty has churned out very nice and fun shooter games, Run and gun. Which is fun, don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't think its not fun, it is. But I mean they've turned out the same game every year, just with different mods to it. And I honestly think that. Because of that, I honestly don't think MW3 was worth $60. Because its the same game. Just with different maps, guns, perks.
But the maps really annoyed me too. The first time I played MW3, I instantly recognized maps from MW2. I almost thought they were copies. I saw:
All in MW3. Can we please have some map variety? I also was kinda annoyed at the Survival mode maps. They were the multiplayer maps. Its a brand new game type, couldn't they have put new maps to go with it?
Now the guns. I didn't really have too much problem with the guns.
Still kinda annoyed that Black Ops based their guns off airsoft guns. Yep, airsoft guns.
I don't think Modern Warfare 3 did, but still. Guns were pretty cool.
Actually scratch that part about the guns.
I wrote that, then left to a friends, in which we played MW3.
The guns are, uhm, not ok anymore. When I played, I didn't experience any kick/recoil at all. Just aim and shoot, no need to account for recoil huh?
And the way they sounded. I almost faceplamed myself, just based on how they made the guns sound.
One sniper (can't remember at this point) sounded like something from Star Trek. It shot like this:
Like a laser. :/
Perks. Everyone's favorite. Made to make terrible players better, and the already good players annoying to play with. And I think as the perks get even more retarded as the games go on. There was that one perk everyone hated, but everyone used.
MW2: Commando
Black Ops: Ghost
I haven't exactly played MW3 enough to hate a perk, I just hate how they did the perks.
So apparently you can have like 8 perks at once? With the Specialist streak thingy at least.
And having multiple attachments doesn't need a perk anymore. Which, I can't decide if I like or not. :O
I've kinda always hated the perks, they didn't float with me.
Now the campaign.
Personally, if I did buy MW3, I would have because of the campaign, because they made it look sick. Obviously, I'm not stupid enough to buy a $60 just for the campaign.
I thought it looked sweet. America being invaded, Europe on its knees, it caught my attention.
But then I played it.
I found it incredibly easy. At one point, I was running down the middle of a firefight because NOBODY was shooting me.
The first level (The Wall Street one), I just picked apart while I'm playing it. First off, the very beginning. You have a gun with no clip or ammo in it, a team mate tosses one clip at you, and BOOM you got 600 shots. Which threw me off.
Secondly, the names. Sandman, was the most glaring one. I thought that they came up with the most childish names for the characters. Then it hit me. 95% of Call Of Duty players are like 10 years old. At least they realized what their audience is consisted of.
Thirdly, the helicopters. During the helicopter "fight" from the first level, you are in a Black Hawk. A troop transport. And you have to kill like 5 enemy Attack helicopters. And they're Russian. I don't think a troop transport could take down 5 attack helicopters. And then there is how the helicopters died. They all were shot down in the exact same way. They all had an explosion in the tail, then spun out of control. No matter where you hit them, the tail would blow up. And the last one, shot down like the other four, randomly launches it self at your helicopter, crash into your tail, head on, then blows up. But don't worry. You had a German helicopter, so you helicopter is perfectly fine. Which I thought was stupid. And its in New York, so you know, hundreds of buildings, and you're unloading with a chain gun. No destruction. At all. That made me :(
Now the next level, with the navy seals. It was pretty cool, until you get to the Russian submarine. Then it got sketch. I'm just gonna skip to the cut scene when you shoot the missiles. But the action until then is generic Call of Duty. Well the cut scene is when you and your squad, get to control room of the main submarine, and hijack its missile system to shoot the missiles at the Russian's own fleet. My first thought, "Good thing the Russians have their cruise missiles already programmed to bomb their own fleet." Because I'm pretty sure a navy seal couldn't hack a Russian submarine to reprogram its missiles. Think about it.
Not gonna happen. And it said that the single Russian sub had enough missiles to wipe out the ENTIRE east coast of the US. I was shocked, because when it shows the missiles shooting, it shoots off maybe 10 at the max. :/ Not enough to wipe out the entire east coast.
Now my favorite, the level on the airplane. It gets hijacked by terrorists, then blows up.
But its ok, you survive. Along with everyone else that was on the plane.
It starts off with terrorists hijacking the plane, but there's a lot. I mean a lot. Which is surprising, considering the Russian President himself was on the plane. Psh, they don't need security. The Russian version of the sweater vest is bullet proof. So they good.
I would be ok with maybe 10 terrorists getting on. But there was like 30. Bull crap!
And when the plane is shot in half, you are literally feet away from the breaking point, you could touch the outside of the plane you were so close. But you don't get sucked out.
And then the plane crashes. But everyone survives. I mean everyone. Nobody dies, except for maybe the minor character. *Sigh*
That was me playing the campaign. It was good, I guess, for Call of Duty standards. You didn't have to think about it, you just did. Kinda like Transformers. Its a great movie for action and stuff, but if you honestly think about it, none of it makes any sense.
My final honest verdict on the game: 4/10.
Honestly, that is completely unbiased. I don't see much of a difference, besides the customization and survival mode, from Modern Warfare 2. I think its the exact same game. Which is why it didn't win any awards, and BF3 won 60+. (That might have been biased:).
In short, Call of Duty will be nothing more than an arcade game. You can't really improve an arcade game.
As one YouTuber commented:
"Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary changed more from Halo: CE the original than Modern Warfare 3 changed from Modern Warfare 2."
It's funny because Halo: CEA tried to be the exact same.
MW3 didn't :)
I just re read this and realized I wrote this completely biased against it.
But trust me, every word is true. If not, pick up the controller and experience it for yourself.
And if you don't have MW3, that's ok. I'm sure you have MW2.
They are pretty much the same thing.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Battle: Los Angeles- Critical Review! (Part 2)
Click Here!
Yep. Here is the continuation of my first review of something significant!
If you missed the first half, check it out! I think I did pretty well!
Well there isn't a whole lot to talk about. It's in Los Angeles, filmed in Louisiana. I've heard people complain about that, but from what I've seen, they made the set of the movie nearly identical to actual streets in Los Angeles. So I think they did great in that category. It was the second alien invasion movie in a span in about 4 months set in Los Angeles. The other one is Skyline, and based on what I've seen, the people in charge of Skyline were working on Battle: LA, but then got pissed (for whatever reason) and started their own alien invasion in LA. Which totally sucked balls. So, Battle: LA wins this one.
Otherwise there isn't much else to be critical about the setting.
I give it an A- realistic wise. I'm no military expert, but I felt how they portrayed how the military would respond to aliens attacking was very accurate. They even put the actors through a crash course in Marine training. Which I thought was awesome. Make the movie even that much more realistic. They did a great job on how Marines fight, and were dead on with strategy and stuff. I'm not going to the little details that I thought were great. You can watch the opening video from the first review to see what I mean. All in all, I felt like the military portion of this movie was excellent. Which makes sense, being it a war documentary.
Now for the unrealistic parts.
Well, the aliens in general. I'm kinda split on this. I'm not really sure if I believe in them or not. The skeptic side says its way to improbable. But the kid inside of my wants them to exist, just for entertainment. I mean, I got alien invasion number one on my list for Top Ways I Want To See The World End. I think that would be totally awesome! But then again, if there were technologically advanced aliens out there, I feel like they would have found us already. Or vice versa. And I can't really think of any reason why they would come here to kill us. Coming here peacefully would make more sense. I don't think we would have any resources that they would want. Or at least travel across the galaxy to get. So if they did come, they wouldn't come here to go on a killing spree, well not probably. I want them to exist for my imagination, but my gut says no.
And mentioned before, I don't like how they portrayed their technology. Pretty much flying junk. And their ground forces lacked firepower. They had this walking missile shooter thing, but that was it. If it was a ground war we definitely would have won. Curse their air power...
Alright. Now there were about 3 distinct things that I saw in this movie that I found hilarious that they put in.
The first one is the highway scene, when they are trying to rappel the civilians away from alien advancements. One Marine is trying to secure other civilians to the rope, and, unbeknownst to the Marine, an alien sneaks around to kill them. The civilian, notices the alien, and when he couldn't get the Marine's attention fast enough, he takes matters into his own hands. He grabs a rifle from the ground, and hip shoots the alien to death, with pin point accuracy. But the alien gets on shot off, and it nails the civilian in the stomach, launching him back several feet. Now, I laughed at this part. The highly trained killers, the Marine Corps, can't seem the kill the aliens very easily in the first place, with aiming and all that. Good thing they have a Mexican civilian with them. He hip shoots the alien, and all the shots hit the target, killing it.
Good ol' realism for ya.
My second one is two different scenes. Involving grenades. The short version is that both scenes show grenades exploding in a giant fireball. What grenades that they are carrying, I freaking want.
Sure grenades, explode, but they shoot off shrapnel, not fire. One exploded next to a gas station, blowing up an alien drone. The second one was in the sewers. The second one was funny. Staff Sergeant throws a grenade down a man hole, to kill the pursuing aliens. The camera backs up, and a large plume of fire and smoke erupt from the hole. It was funny.
The third one was the ending. I loved the ending, it got me pumped up. How they showed it was just awesome. I just had a problem that we pushed the aliens back in 48 hours. They are freaking aliens. The only way that would possibly happen is if we carpet bombed then with nukes. Maybe then we could, but not within 48 hours of the initial attack. That kinda bugged me, but oh well. America's gotta win, right?
Anyway, the unrealistic things were few and far between (In my opinion), but however, I bet if you get Ian to watch it, he could pick it apart. ;)
Well that was my review of the movie!
My final PERSONAL verdict: 9/10
My professional, movie critical verdict: 6/10
Comment your opinion on it, or tell me what I missed!
Yep. Here is the continuation of my first review of something significant!
If you missed the first half, check it out! I think I did pretty well!
Well there isn't a whole lot to talk about. It's in Los Angeles, filmed in Louisiana. I've heard people complain about that, but from what I've seen, they made the set of the movie nearly identical to actual streets in Los Angeles. So I think they did great in that category. It was the second alien invasion movie in a span in about 4 months set in Los Angeles. The other one is Skyline, and based on what I've seen, the people in charge of Skyline were working on Battle: LA, but then got pissed (for whatever reason) and started their own alien invasion in LA. Which totally sucked balls. So, Battle: LA wins this one.
Otherwise there isn't much else to be critical about the setting.
I give it an A- realistic wise. I'm no military expert, but I felt how they portrayed how the military would respond to aliens attacking was very accurate. They even put the actors through a crash course in Marine training. Which I thought was awesome. Make the movie even that much more realistic. They did a great job on how Marines fight, and were dead on with strategy and stuff. I'm not going to the little details that I thought were great. You can watch the opening video from the first review to see what I mean. All in all, I felt like the military portion of this movie was excellent. Which makes sense, being it a war documentary.
Now for the unrealistic parts.
Well, the aliens in general. I'm kinda split on this. I'm not really sure if I believe in them or not. The skeptic side says its way to improbable. But the kid inside of my wants them to exist, just for entertainment. I mean, I got alien invasion number one on my list for Top Ways I Want To See The World End. I think that would be totally awesome! But then again, if there were technologically advanced aliens out there, I feel like they would have found us already. Or vice versa. And I can't really think of any reason why they would come here to kill us. Coming here peacefully would make more sense. I don't think we would have any resources that they would want. Or at least travel across the galaxy to get. So if they did come, they wouldn't come here to go on a killing spree, well not probably. I want them to exist for my imagination, but my gut says no.
And mentioned before, I don't like how they portrayed their technology. Pretty much flying junk. And their ground forces lacked firepower. They had this walking missile shooter thing, but that was it. If it was a ground war we definitely would have won. Curse their air power...
Alright. Now there were about 3 distinct things that I saw in this movie that I found hilarious that they put in.
The first one is the highway scene, when they are trying to rappel the civilians away from alien advancements. One Marine is trying to secure other civilians to the rope, and, unbeknownst to the Marine, an alien sneaks around to kill them. The civilian, notices the alien, and when he couldn't get the Marine's attention fast enough, he takes matters into his own hands. He grabs a rifle from the ground, and hip shoots the alien to death, with pin point accuracy. But the alien gets on shot off, and it nails the civilian in the stomach, launching him back several feet. Now, I laughed at this part. The highly trained killers, the Marine Corps, can't seem the kill the aliens very easily in the first place, with aiming and all that. Good thing they have a Mexican civilian with them. He hip shoots the alien, and all the shots hit the target, killing it.
Good ol' realism for ya.
My second one is two different scenes. Involving grenades. The short version is that both scenes show grenades exploding in a giant fireball. What grenades that they are carrying, I freaking want.
Sure grenades, explode, but they shoot off shrapnel, not fire. One exploded next to a gas station, blowing up an alien drone. The second one was in the sewers. The second one was funny. Staff Sergeant throws a grenade down a man hole, to kill the pursuing aliens. The camera backs up, and a large plume of fire and smoke erupt from the hole. It was funny.
The third one was the ending. I loved the ending, it got me pumped up. How they showed it was just awesome. I just had a problem that we pushed the aliens back in 48 hours. They are freaking aliens. The only way that would possibly happen is if we carpet bombed then with nukes. Maybe then we could, but not within 48 hours of the initial attack. That kinda bugged me, but oh well. America's gotta win, right?
Anyway, the unrealistic things were few and far between (In my opinion), but however, I bet if you get Ian to watch it, he could pick it apart. ;)
Well that was my review of the movie!
My final PERSONAL verdict: 9/10
My professional, movie critical verdict: 6/10
Comment your opinion on it, or tell me what I missed!
Battle: Los Angeles- Critical Review :D (Part 1)
Click Here!
You should have seen that coming for the Video of the Day. I mean that title says it all.....
Anyway. This is my blog. :)
This is the first (?) blog where I actually write about something that people actually use blogs for. Ranting, move/game reviewing, etc.....
The movie today is Battle: Los Angeles.
It's weird, when people ask me what my favorite movie is, and I say "Battle: Los Angeles" they give me a weird look. A lot of the time its because they've never heard of it.
Which saddens me. Yes, I would have to say its my favorite movie. Probably because I don't watch movies very often. And it combines all the things I like: War (entertainment wise, it know in reality its hell on earth), action, EXPLOSIONS (MICHAEL BAY!), and an alien invasion of Earth. And it's actually super realistic.
Excluding all the crap Hollywood will try to put into their movies, which this movie has some. Ok, so now here is the actual review! ***THIS WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS****
Battle: Los Angeles is a sci-fi thriller in which aliens surprisingly and swiftly, attack our coastal cities in en effort to drive us away from the ocean, so they can harvest our water. So far so good. Recently, I've read some alien invasion stories or whatever, and they never explain why they show up (COUGH* SKYLINE *COUGH). So I was impressed when they included a motive for their arrival. The story revolves a soon to be retired Marine Staff Sergeant, Michael Nantz, who just before retiring, gets thrust into service to evacuate civilians. He is joined by a battalion of Marines, each distinctive from each other. The down side is that they tried to characterize too many characters before the action started. They weren't well developed. And the dialogue could have been better. By the end of the movie, all the main characters are left, so their personalities have been developed some. This has been the biggest downfall for this movie according to critics; the lack of characterization. But honestly, this move is a WAR movie. Lots of fighting and guys being men. We didn't come to see the movie to watch characters develop. We came to watch America kick some alien ass. Which that definitely delivered.
The battle itself lasts 2+ days. 1st day we get utterly pwned. The 2nd day, our hero Staff Sergeant, and his squad wipes out the alien control center, severely crippling the alien war machine. The 2nd also shows a counter attack, as a quickly assembled army gets organized to take back Los Angeles. I didn't exactly like that about the movie. I kinda felt we won too fast. Independence day did this too. I don't see how a completely unknown, vastly advanced enemy could be taken down in a matter of days. I mean give me an alien invasion movie in which we don't totally own the aliens within 48 hours. Or, just make a series out of it (Which I really hope they do with Battle: LA), have each movie be a phase/battle in the war that should be lasting decades.
And also what I don't like is the American aspect of this. I know this is an American film, intended for Americans, but ALL the alien invasion movies I've seen take place in the US. Even War of the Worlds, which the original book took place in England. I don't have a big problem with this, but I wanna see variety. How did China deal with them? Germany? England? France (they obviously lose by default)? Japan? That would be cool to have a different perspective. Also, in the opening of the film, the general in the press conference says that 12 different locations around the globe were attacked. He also says that New York, Boston, San Fran, and San Diego have been attacked. Including Los Angeles, almost half of the alien force attack America. There's two sides to this coin. Any advanced alien species would obviously scout us out before attacking. And America, being the world's powerhouse, would probably be first on their list to wipe out. Which would make sense, militarily. But on the flip side, they have half of their force attacking America, and they are relying on the other half to attack the other 6 billion people on Earth. To me, that's terrible strategy. IF aliens were to attack, I think they would be smart enough to completely overwhelm us, and not just pick 12 spots to invade. And with those 12 spots they have to conquer us. Or at least push us far enough away to stop them from taking our water. The general in the opening says that this is a "textbook military invasion." That may be true, for the United States. For the world, not so much.
I was also kinda disappointed in the amount of aliens that attacked. You never see more than about 13 aliens at a time (which I'm ok with; excluding the news footage of the first attack), but I want to see LA totally bomb rushed by aliens. I really hope they weren't expecting to kill 6+ billion people with just thousands of soldiers.
In short, I love the plot. It's what I like. I think it's totally original, and I'm kinda jealous I didn't think of it first.
The aliens were pretty cool. I absolutely LOVE how Jonathan Liebsman (?) created them. My favorite aspect is their arrival, which is in the opening video. That clip has a ton of attention to detail. The crashed craft on the beach, the aerial shot of ground combat, and the meteor shower. I love how they came. The meteor entry craft is pretty sweet. The footage of the meteors falling above LA I think is phenomenal. I've watched that scene hundreds of times because it's so freaking awesome. They did fantastic with it.
The aliens themselves are pretty cool. I mean, they're your cliche alien (Something bipedal, that's not human) but they always seem to make a different alien in the movies. The Battle: LA alien is a really tall, squid looking humanoid, with an ovalish head, two feet, and pretty much humanoid in everything else.
In one scene, they dissect an alien. Which, again, I loved. You get a cool up close look at them, and from the extras I saw on DVD, they spent A LOT of time trying to perfect the alien subject. They were original, and had similar fighting styles to our soldiers (I.E, they duck, they hide behind cover, they work in squads). Different, but I thought it was cool they put that in.
What I dislike about the aliens, is their vehicles. To me, it looks like they had a prodigious amount of duck tape handy, and they got bored in a junkyard. The alien craft look like flying heaps of metal, it looks like crap and that it was made from a junkyard. I hated that. Super advanced aliens visit Earth, and pwn us with flying hunks of metal. I'm not saying they looked retarded, I'm saying it would be like if America went to the military bone yard, and put together an Army of WW2 Sherman Tanks and reinforced them with whatever spare junk they could find. That was the only problem I had with the aliens. I'll give Skyline credit, the ONLY thing they did better than Battle: LA were the aliens. Skyline offered your classic alien warships and stuff. Battle: LA didn't, but delivered on everything else.
Well, it's 3:11 right now and I'm tired.
I'll finish the review in future blog posts!
Tell me what ya think about it, or about the movie in general. I thought it was great! Chow!
Ian Quote Of The Day: "Hasn't the History Channel taught you anything? War is freaking awesome!"
You should have seen that coming for the Video of the Day. I mean that title says it all.....
Anyway. This is my blog. :)
This is the first (?) blog where I actually write about something that people actually use blogs for. Ranting, move/game reviewing, etc.....
The movie today is Battle: Los Angeles.
It's weird, when people ask me what my favorite movie is, and I say "Battle: Los Angeles" they give me a weird look. A lot of the time its because they've never heard of it.
Which saddens me. Yes, I would have to say its my favorite movie. Probably because I don't watch movies very often. And it combines all the things I like: War (entertainment wise, it know in reality its hell on earth), action, EXPLOSIONS (MICHAEL BAY!), and an alien invasion of Earth. And it's actually super realistic.
Excluding all the crap Hollywood will try to put into their movies, which this movie has some. Ok, so now here is the actual review! ***THIS WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS****
Battle: Los Angeles is a sci-fi thriller in which aliens surprisingly and swiftly, attack our coastal cities in en effort to drive us away from the ocean, so they can harvest our water. So far so good. Recently, I've read some alien invasion stories or whatever, and they never explain why they show up (COUGH* SKYLINE *COUGH). So I was impressed when they included a motive for their arrival. The story revolves a soon to be retired Marine Staff Sergeant, Michael Nantz, who just before retiring, gets thrust into service to evacuate civilians. He is joined by a battalion of Marines, each distinctive from each other. The down side is that they tried to characterize too many characters before the action started. They weren't well developed. And the dialogue could have been better. By the end of the movie, all the main characters are left, so their personalities have been developed some. This has been the biggest downfall for this movie according to critics; the lack of characterization. But honestly, this move is a WAR movie. Lots of fighting and guys being men. We didn't come to see the movie to watch characters develop. We came to watch America kick some alien ass. Which that definitely delivered.
The battle itself lasts 2+ days. 1st day we get utterly pwned. The 2nd day, our hero Staff Sergeant, and his squad wipes out the alien control center, severely crippling the alien war machine. The 2nd also shows a counter attack, as a quickly assembled army gets organized to take back Los Angeles. I didn't exactly like that about the movie. I kinda felt we won too fast. Independence day did this too. I don't see how a completely unknown, vastly advanced enemy could be taken down in a matter of days. I mean give me an alien invasion movie in which we don't totally own the aliens within 48 hours. Or, just make a series out of it (Which I really hope they do with Battle: LA), have each movie be a phase/battle in the war that should be lasting decades.
And also what I don't like is the American aspect of this. I know this is an American film, intended for Americans, but ALL the alien invasion movies I've seen take place in the US. Even War of the Worlds, which the original book took place in England. I don't have a big problem with this, but I wanna see variety. How did China deal with them? Germany? England? France (they obviously lose by default)? Japan? That would be cool to have a different perspective. Also, in the opening of the film, the general in the press conference says that 12 different locations around the globe were attacked. He also says that New York, Boston, San Fran, and San Diego have been attacked. Including Los Angeles, almost half of the alien force attack America. There's two sides to this coin. Any advanced alien species would obviously scout us out before attacking. And America, being the world's powerhouse, would probably be first on their list to wipe out. Which would make sense, militarily. But on the flip side, they have half of their force attacking America, and they are relying on the other half to attack the other 6 billion people on Earth. To me, that's terrible strategy. IF aliens were to attack, I think they would be smart enough to completely overwhelm us, and not just pick 12 spots to invade. And with those 12 spots they have to conquer us. Or at least push us far enough away to stop them from taking our water. The general in the opening says that this is a "textbook military invasion." That may be true, for the United States. For the world, not so much.
I was also kinda disappointed in the amount of aliens that attacked. You never see more than about 13 aliens at a time (which I'm ok with; excluding the news footage of the first attack), but I want to see LA totally bomb rushed by aliens. I really hope they weren't expecting to kill 6+ billion people with just thousands of soldiers.
In short, I love the plot. It's what I like. I think it's totally original, and I'm kinda jealous I didn't think of it first.
The aliens were pretty cool. I absolutely LOVE how Jonathan Liebsman (?) created them. My favorite aspect is their arrival, which is in the opening video. That clip has a ton of attention to detail. The crashed craft on the beach, the aerial shot of ground combat, and the meteor shower. I love how they came. The meteor entry craft is pretty sweet. The footage of the meteors falling above LA I think is phenomenal. I've watched that scene hundreds of times because it's so freaking awesome. They did fantastic with it.
The aliens themselves are pretty cool. I mean, they're your cliche alien (Something bipedal, that's not human) but they always seem to make a different alien in the movies. The Battle: LA alien is a really tall, squid looking humanoid, with an ovalish head, two feet, and pretty much humanoid in everything else.
In one scene, they dissect an alien. Which, again, I loved. You get a cool up close look at them, and from the extras I saw on DVD, they spent A LOT of time trying to perfect the alien subject. They were original, and had similar fighting styles to our soldiers (I.E, they duck, they hide behind cover, they work in squads). Different, but I thought it was cool they put that in.
What I dislike about the aliens, is their vehicles. To me, it looks like they had a prodigious amount of duck tape handy, and they got bored in a junkyard. The alien craft look like flying heaps of metal, it looks like crap and that it was made from a junkyard. I hated that. Super advanced aliens visit Earth, and pwn us with flying hunks of metal. I'm not saying they looked retarded, I'm saying it would be like if America went to the military bone yard, and put together an Army of WW2 Sherman Tanks and reinforced them with whatever spare junk they could find. That was the only problem I had with the aliens. I'll give Skyline credit, the ONLY thing they did better than Battle: LA were the aliens. Skyline offered your classic alien warships and stuff. Battle: LA didn't, but delivered on everything else.
Well, it's 3:11 right now and I'm tired.
I'll finish the review in future blog posts!
Tell me what ya think about it, or about the movie in general. I thought it was great! Chow!
Ian Quote Of The Day: "Hasn't the History Channel taught you anything? War is freaking awesome!"
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