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Yep. I'm propaganding (propaganda-ing?) my video again.
It needs more views!
Or more people need to tell me how terrible it is.
Either way.
Yep. As the title explains it, I haven't blogged in awhile?
I don't know.
Didn't want to, had nothing to talk about (and if I did it would have been depressing), and yeah.
Let's just say i haven't had one good day this year yet.
I've had great moments with friends n such, but overall, this month has sucked.
Well. I haven't felt emotionally good for awhile now. Going on almost a month now, and I'm holding up. It's challenging, needless to say. The senior thesis doesn't help either. It makes it worse, actually. Worked on it today and hit a brick wall.
This isn't going to be a good week.
Or a good rest of the year.
Oh well. Time flies, hopefully it's supersonic.
Uhm, It's hard to blog about stuff when aren't emotionally all there. Its been more or less the same thing for the past month, so nothing really new. Eh, also so haven't found anything to fix yep.
The highlight recently was that I got deleted as a friend by somebody on Facebook.
This greatly amuses me.
Oh ya know, she said things like:
"I'll ask you to sadies! :D" I seriously laughed for a good ten minutes with that one.
"I love you!" ................... No ya dont.
And now I'm off of her friends list. I'm not hurt, amused, not hurt.
Mostly because I knew she was BS-ing me as soon as she said it, so it was only a matter of time before her lies came into light. Again, it was funny lolololololololololololololololol.
And that one chick (Maddie Derp, as Matt would call her), is gone. Hopefully for awhile, I don't want to see her again. So I guess that's a high point? :)
The one thing that killed me first semester is gone. Now to take care of second semester.
I figured it out.
I am inadvertently using my Blog as personal journal. Because I read all of my blogs, and read about how I was feeling back now, compared to now. It was kinda cool. Didn't find good things, but hey.
So, the moral of the story is: YOU CAN"T TRUST THE SYSTEM!
But really. This blog post is more of a benefit for me as it is to your entertainment.
So keep your negative blog comments to yourself :)
I'm doin this for me :)
Unless the post isn't depressing.
Then its for you.
Hopefully we have one coming up.
Maybe I'll blog about something important.
What was my day like....
Mostly herp.
Then I was like derp.
Don't worry guys. I got this! :D
Ian Quote Of The Day: "Do a Barrel Roll!"
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