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Awesome video. Cool song too.
Might have already had it as Video of the Day, but that one was rushed.
For no reason at all.
I haven't blogged it up in awhile. Not sure why that is. I guess I was being social???
Oh yeah, that's right.
Got to see Tebow Time crash in a fiery explosion, and stayed up til 2 talking about....
But na. Not boys. That would be creepy.
We had a very deep spiritual talk about dating.
While I did barrel rolls across the room. Both were very entertaining.
Everyone there (Ian, Zach, Natalie, Christine, Lauren, and Meghan) all had different views on it. And a lot of it I've never thought about. It made me think. Well, the most thinking I could do at 2 in the morning.
But I loved it.
It was the first time I actually opened up to people, or had some deep conversation with someone, in years.
And that's because I'm a guy. We don't do those kinda things.
So actually doing it with guys AND girls was pretty awesome, I think.
So here's a quick entry into my mind on dating.
I like it! :D
Well, I don't disapprove of it. There's a certain age in which you can start. Don't do it in junior high. Its a joke. It kinda depends on the person, how mature you are, and what you're doing it for. In junior high, I remember we dated for popularity. I didn't partake in it, but I did try (pathetically). Most cause it was mainstream to do it in my class. So I figured I would try. And it seemed exciting back then. So I would say anyone younger than a sophomore is too young to date. But that's just me.
While we were taking, I concluded one pro, and one con of dating.
PRO: You find out A LOT about yourself. I totally agree with that. I will admit I discovered a ton about myself when I dated a year ago. There's just so much I found out. And most of that stuff I wouldn't have found out without dating. I found out how different it was from being single. Its totally different. I think its a great life experience. It was fun, exciting, insightful, revelation-y (?) spontaneous, and a challenge.
CON: You get too emotionally attached. AMEN. I've been single for over a year now, and I am still emotionally trying to deal with it. A year! I dealt with it immaturely, but the point is, it takes a lot out of you if you break up. I can speak to that personally. I think that's the biggest con. It hurts. But I do think the relationship you have with the other person is worth it. Sounds kinda weird, but that's the best I can word it. So I guess I would rather have a relationship with someone, and deal with the break up, then not have one at all. But that's me.
Maybe this dating thing will get its own blog post.
But, just like at the party, once I got to speak, I didn't no what to say.
It would be easier to ask questions I suppose :)
Now, the car ride home was the best car ride I've had in a long time. Got to take Christine home afterwards.
It was hilarious. There wasn't a dull moment! It started before I started the car.
And there were some hipsters that gave her the "nod" in Old Town. Stupid hipsters.
Not sure what they were doing at 2 in the morning. Probably drugs.
Yeah, that's it. Drugs.
So anyway she's hilarious. There was never an awkward silence. We just kept talking.
Which was awesome. :)
Well I'm going to stop awkwardly complimenting her now.
We had a short story to read in class that we had to write in literature.
I hated my story.
It thought it was terrible. Got to read the first 4 of 10 pages, instead of the whole thing.
Turned out, the class loved it, and wanted me to read the rest.
I did. And they still loved it.
For some reason.
I read their comments, and saw that Christine wanted me to write it more and put her in it.
Well, ever since we started the short stories, I've been expounding on it. So yes, I have been writing more to it. I kinda like where its going, but most of the time I rewrite everything I write. So I've got like maybe a chapter done since then. Mostly cause I write once a week.
Whatevs :)
And I'm adding more to it as we speak.
Not gonna lie.
It's gettin intense!
Ian Quote Of The Day: "Tebow, you're doing it wrong!"
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