Saturday, December 31, 2011

I'm Ben and I'm an Editor....and..uh.. and a Mormon

Actually, you know what?
Scratch that, I'm not a Mormon.
Dumb dumb dumb dumb.

My Video!

The video of the day is that! ^^^^
That is my edited video called Halo: Los Angeles. I got Halo video content, but put actual audio from Battle: Los Angeles to it. I'm pretty proud of it! I want your opinion on it so leave it in the comments! And check out my YouTube channel in the following link! Subscribe!
Or don't, cause I don't upload stuff very often :)
Blub blub
:D (<<John Freeman!)

Anyway time for actual blog.
At 3 A.M.
Don't ask me why I'm up so late, cause I have no idea. I'm not even tired! And I have no one to talk to. :/
Any, my day consisted of waking up at David's house after a huge hangover.
Na, I'm kidding.
Spent the night there and it was awesome. It seems like Ian gets even more awesome the more I hang out with him.
Watched some Birdemic.
Please, don't watch it.
Got up, made James and David make us lunch, then we left. Because we are smart.
Got home, shaved my head. Well, got it cut. With a razor.
No, pictures will not be followed. You can thank me later.
Got some Qdoba, went to work, watch Battle: Los Angeles. Awesome movie.
I'll give a review for it next blog post :)

Got home, played Battlefield. Welcomed home my sister from San Diego! Beasted it up in the Holiday Bowl! Started on Halo: Los Angeles.
Finished it, waited for it to save, and watched some Rage Quit. Funny stuff right der.
And that was my day.
So essentially this whole blog post was to advertise my video.
With an Intrusive Subplot at the end.

Night Y'all! :)

Ian Quote Of The Day: "What good is a present already unwrapped?" - In reference to girls wearing slutty/skanky clothes. I'll let you figure out the hilariousness that is that joke.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Honest Opinion

Click Here!!

That was my 100th liked video. It's pretty sweet!
Hello! :) I am at my work, watching Psych, and divulging into deep questions right now.
Time to explore my faith and beliefs. Gonna start off with homosexuality. :O OMG.

I'm not really sure why I'm writing about this or where I'm gonna start.
But I guess its because its becoming more of a prevalent issue in today's society. In fact, just a few weeks ago, I got into a fight on Facebook (Ok, I was trolling) over gay marriage, between me, some friends, and several mainstream public school hipsters that began bashing on Christianity. First off, we didn't instigate any hate at all (from what I could tell). I remember it started after a hipster called my friend a Christian prick for not believing in gay rights. At that point I couldn't resist. By that time it had become an argument, and I couldn't help myself from trolling it. It was great.
My opinion on homosexuality/gay marriage/gay rights?
I see it as a sin. Just like nearly everything else we do.
I see it homosexuality as a choice; we aren't born gay. Although I've seen lots of people say people are born gay, just so they have a reason to bash on God. And to say people are born gay is to call God a liar. He clearly writes in 1 Cor. 6: 9 that homosexuality is a sin.
I've heard people say its not a choice, its completely natural.
If it was natural, or we are born gay, it's probably because our genetics (Feel free to call me stupid at any point in the following paragraph).
And, if you believe its gay, you would probably believe in evolution/secular point of view on the world right? I.e, no God?
Based on that, and the evidence for evolution, if we are born gay, then the gene causing our homosexuality would have been naturally selected out millions of years ago.
Natural Selection = Undifferentiated Successful Sex. (Thank you Mrs. Lewis' AP class! :D)
That's the scientific definition. And since if you're homosexual, you're not going to have sex (well, with a female), which would mean you're probably not going to have babies, which means that the gene that cause homosexuality would eventually be naturally selected out of existence.
And no, in vitro fertilization won't work because I can guarantee you that prehistoric man didn't know what the hell that meant. 
And if its not genetic, then it has to be a choice. Just like how I am not genetically engineered to play baseball. Or be smart. Or suck at life.
(If that was a total logical fallacy let me know :))

back to the whole issue.
I view it as a sin (as mentioned earlier), and I think we should love the person, hate the sin.
No, I'm not going to be tolerant with homosexuals. If I did, I would have to be tolerant with murderers, liars, adulterers, etc.
I'm not going to tolerate sin. Period.
To me, homosexuality is just as wrong as killing, stealing, and every other sin.

I've also heard that if a man loves another man, why should we prevent them from loving each other?
Not supporting gay marriage doesn't do that. I love all of my guy friends. I don't have to be married to them to love them, so I don't see how we are stopping them from doing that.

I hear people claim all the time that people have the "right" to marry who ever they want. I don't think that's true.
Who gives them that right? As a Christian, I think God gives us our human rights, I don't think we decide for us.
And I also firmly believe that God set marriage between a man and a woman. That's it. Not between a man and a man, not between a woman and a woman.
"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." Hateful, I know, I found it kinda funny.
I also don't think we have any right at all to change what God has in place.
And at what point do we stop? When are we going to allow other sins to be tolerable: rape, bestiality etc?
No, I don't support gay marriage. I don't think its right.
I'm not sure what's gotten people so wound up about this subject. Its shocking, really. I don't see why heterosexuals get so passionate about gay rights. Enough to hate. It surprises me. I don't get it.
Maybe because its "cool?" Is it mainstream to support gay rights? Is it hipster? Did everyone get on the "Gay Rights" bandwagon?
Whatever it was, it started a chain reaction.
I pray that God will give the leaders of our government wisdom over this issue. I pray that the right choice will be made when the final decision is done.
If gay marriage is allowed, I pray that all of my fellow Christians will live like Christ, showing them love, compassion, treating them normally, and that we will be Witnesses to them.
Love the person, hate the sin.
Homosexuality. I think its a choice. A sin. God gave us free will, we aren't born gay, God isn't going to create somewhere gay, only to condemn them to hell.
That's my opinion on this touchy issue. We may disagree, I would love to discuss this :)
But ultimately, my opinion is right! :D

Ian Quote Of The Day: "My girlfriend thought I was gay."

Today's Blog! :D

Click Here!!!!


Just because I love Halo.
That trailer gets me every time.. *sniff*

Today doesn't deserve a blog

Ian Quote Of The Day: "My hips have more sass!"

I may have already did that one.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sexy Sax Man!

Click Here!!!



Well, i'ts my blog again! (Unfortunately). It's been like 48 hours since my last post, and my page view per day is dropping like a fat guy on rye bread. So, to save my blog, I decided to post a new post!?

The past few days have been intense. Working out at Caleb's house with the fatty, then going to Nolan's house. And doing everything. It was awesome! I would show you a link to his blog, but he is so popular.
So no.
Also discovered his lady friend doesn't like me.
I would give you link to her blog, but as mentioned before, she doesn't like me.
And I'm too lazy to go find it.
Mostly that. I mean come on, I'm so amiable. Nobody can dislike me.

So, I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that the 400 or so songs I stole from James is now on my iTunes! (Through some trickery!)

The bad news is, that not all the songs transferred. And some of the songs got labeled as random letter configurations into 4 letter codes. They gave me the author and album, I just have to look in my iPod to find them. And some of them didn't give me an artist or album. It just gave me about 30 songs with 4 letter codes. Good thing I don't care enough to label them.

And right now as we speak I am fixing my music! Turns out about 96% of the unlabeled songs were from Angels and Airwaves. That should make it easy!

Moral of the story, I have about 500 more songs in my iTunes library. That makes me :D (No, not John Freeman).

Anyway, Nolan's house was epic. Playing non stop video games til 4 in the morning? Sign me up. Even if I don't have a gaming computer. Still awesome. Had a Taco Bell and King Soopers run. Got 3 2L Mountain Dews for $4! What a snatch! And I still have them in my garage. All to myself.......

Emotionally? I'm holding up (In case you were concerned. But you probably aren't. So you probably might wanna skip this section).
I'm happy on the outside, confused, regretful, lonely on the inside. Its strange. Yet another week of regretting breaking up with my ex. I'm not sure how to make it go away, maybe just time. Lots and lots of time...
Yep. I've felt incredibly lonely. Not like that I don't have friends. But that I don't have a special someone. I feel like something, or someone, is missing. And this past Christmas made me realize it. It sucks being single. I had Christmas, and I didn't spend it with anyone special. Just my family (I love my family, don't get me wrong). But being home alone on Christmas Day made me miss being able to call someone "mine."
Wanna know the kicker? I don't want a girlfriend. I've created my own emotional paradox. The best explanation that I can come up with is that I'm super hesitant to get into a relationship based on how the last one went. The last one was a fail, in my opinion, and I hate admitting it. I have this crazy idea incepted into my head that my next relationship will be exactly like the previous one. I know it's not true, I just doubt myself. Doubt that I can keep one going. And I was constantly being told what to do by some unnamed people, and I just know their going to do it again. Trust me, that gets annoying, real fast. I really wanted to punch them in the face. And with that came expectations. I hate not meeting up to expectations. And that's pretty much how these two individuals made me feel. And I have a gut feeling that they will do this with my next girlfriend.
So, in short, I'm super hesitant. Still scarred. Still scared. Still unsure.
I hate it, but that's how I am. I have an emotional war zone going on in my head: do I want a special someone or no? I wish I had an answer. Good news is that I don't see a girl coming along to fill the void in the near future :) more time to think! Or feel alone.
Take your pick.

And that's my blog! I hope you hated it.
Cause I did.

Ian Quote Of The Day: "He's black, of course he's a criminal."
Was it racist?
Yes, it was.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Ben's Blog: Holiday Edition!

Click Here!


Chocooooolate raiiinnnn!

Merry Christmas! This is the Holiday Edition! You want to know what makes it special?
Nothing at all.

Now here's a brief recap of of my day:

Slept in.
Woke up.
Ate some boss lunch.
Said goodbye to my sister.
Sat and did nothing for 4 hours while I was home alone.
Watched the last half hour of War of the Worlds.


Ok, so you know how the tripod kidnaps Rachel (The annoying Dakota Fanning), and Tom Cruise (The Boss) takes on the tripod single-handedly? Ok, he takes down the tripod with what, three grenades? The whole thing explodes. In a fiery explosion. From shrapnel? Do the Martians pack the inside of the tripod with nitro glycerin? And then when the Army finally decides to take on the tripod, they need 4, count it, 4 javelin missiles to take it down. So, you can throw 3 grenades into the innards of the tripod, or waste for perfectly good missiles and only partially take it down. Hollywood explosion diversion FTW.

Welcomed home Mom and Dad from the airport.
Played Battlefield 3.
Watched the Mormon episode of South Park.
Joseph Smith was called a prophet, dumb dumb dumb dumb.
Made things right with my ex. Which takes a huge weight off my shoulders.
Played more Battlefield with Taelyr. He's beast.
Watched the Chocolate Rain video. 5 times :)

Yep, that was my day. Suckish, right? And on Christmas of all days.
Oh well, gonna meet up with Caleb and David tomorrow. Should be a blast.

Ian Quote Of The Day: "Apple Pie + Freedom = :D"  (No, not John Freeman, I actually mean the :D emoticon thing).                                                                                                         Hello, John Freeman!! ^^^^

My voice is higher than your voice......

Click Here!!


Cute? Yes.
Adorable? Yes.
Freaking hilarious? No doubt.
Funniest part at 31 seconds? Fo sho!

I keep reading statuses on facebook about Christmas.
Is that tomorrow or something?

Hellllloooooooo! Christmas blog!
 :D (<< Hello, John Freeman!)

Today we celebrated Christmas. On Christmas Eve. Why? Because my sister is dancing during the half time show of the Holiday Bowl! Watch some good 'ol college football, as the University of California plays the University of Texas! Wednesday at 5:00 on ESPN!! Watch it cuz my seester will be on the halftime show! It's awesome! She leaves tomorrow (Well, today technically) at 3, for a fun filled trip in San Diego!
It's gonna be boss. Even though I don't get to go.

Any, I gots lots of cool knick-knacks for Christmas! Here's the list:

Rockies Sweatshirt (Yes).
Rockies Shirt (My favorite).
Rockies Shirt (Again? You bet).
Rockies iPod skinit! (Because my iPod was looking bland :/ ).
Rockies Window decal (For the car!)
Rockies car, bottom, rubber, foot placer thing. (It's a thing that protects the floor of your car from the natural elements, such as fire, wind, earth and water. Although I think fire would pwn it....)
$50 (One of those twenties I accidentally ripped into 3 pieces while unwrapping it. Herp).
MLB 2K11 (In case you haven't figured it out, I kinda like the Colorado Rockies. And baseball in general :).
COD MW3 Shirt (Which I hope to be returning :)
Athletic pants (Because I'm so athletic. Of course).
Chocolate (Who doesn't want chocolate?).
Silver coins (I'm gonna strike it rich with these things).
A nice dress shirt and tie (So I will look supa fly!).

And my Dad and Bro got Cowboys and Aliens, and Transformers 3 (respectively).
I count them as gifts too because I can watch them whenever! :)

So that was my day. Besides the fact that I totally failed at life during church while operating tech equipment, today was pretty awesome.

Keep it real dawgs.

Ian Quote Of The Day: "    "

I don't have one ^^ :(

Merry Christmas! :)
No, I don't mean "Happy Holidays"
Its Christmas dangit. Call it how it is!

Friday, December 23, 2011

We Don't Have Talent

Today's video of the day!


Ello! That is our awesome talent show video entitle "Elevator Music." For obvious reasons.
I had a lot of time with they guys making that. Hard to believe I won't be up there again next year....

Anyway... I almost forgot to blog! :O I know, I pretty much got out of bed to make this one. Not really, I'm not that obsessive about it!

:D << I just realized.
That smilely looks like John Freeman!

Well, It's Christmas Eve Eve, and my gifts have yet to be wrapped. Herp.
I still got time, right?

Well, this might be the first time I haven't had anything to blog about. Its a weird feeling. I could tell you how my day went, but nothing happened.
I could tell you about my complicated inner self. But that's been explained to you already.
I could rant about Tebow because he is SO IMPORTANT. But I have.
I could do critical reviews about movies. But I've already done that sorta. And I haven't seen a movie in awhile!
I could tell you about stuff you don't care about, but I already have been doing that.
I could go on about the meaning of life. But that would blow you mind...
I seem to be at a dilemma. About blog posting. How hard can this possibly be?

I just found out I have $95 in my wallet.
I should probably fix that.....

Man, I got out of bed for this? A blog post about nothing? -_-

I've saturated how my mind works, I don't give a crap about my problems anymore, and nothing exciting has happened yet.

So there ya have it. A blog post about absolutely nothing,

So here, I'll give you a list of today's top songs!
Well, my top songs!

7. Psych Theme Song
6. Bad- The Cab
5. The Faster The Treadmill- I Fight Dragons
4. Come In Or Stay Out- The Heyday
3. Just The Way You Are- Pierce The Veil
2. Stolen- Dashboard Confessional
.05. The Geeks Will Inherit The Earth- I Fight Dragons.

The last one has compiled 392 total plays by me.
Which is weird because the last time I checked it was at 200 :O

Ian Quote Of The Day: "Come at me bro!!!"

Copyright (Circle "R" thingy) 2042.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Black Jesus!

Black Jesus! :D

Good night! Its' Ben (<<<Did you see what I did there??) two days since my last very depressing blog post!
I felt weird not posting one last night, this whole blogging thing is entertaining.
Which is weird because nobody reads mine anyway.
So I'm much pretty posting my thoughts onto the internet for no one to see.

To start this blog post out, I'm gonna give an overdue shout out to my German reader!
I would also like to apologize for the low quality of my posts :O.

I would like to write some things out in German, but I don't know how to spell them, so I'm just going to compliment you on how awesome of a leader Bismarck was.
Excuse me, BOSSmarck. I mean, he was a total boss. Take a history class, you'll understand why!

In case any of you were concerned about my mental state from my last post, rest assured, hasn't gotten worse. I havent really thought about them in the past few days, maybe cuz of finals and friends! But that's good. Means I'm not thinking too much about them which would lead to a bad day. So now that I'm thinking about them less, mentally I'm improving. Girl #1 is almost completely out of my mind. I'm almost at the point where I simply don't care any more. That's gonna be great. When I found out she was dating her ex again, I felt terrible. Mostly because I kept thinking I would have more time. More time to maybe get one last desperate shot at it, or just to talk to her about it. But now that I'm nearing the point of not caring, I havent felt the urge to do any of those. Not even talk to her. And possibly a new youth group (?) means I can avoid her completely! Childish, yes, but what she did to me was immature so I'm returning the favor (Which is also kinda childish! teehee) :)

Girl #2, kinda a different story. Talked to her today (not about what was in the last post), it was about wedding dress shopping. My brother is engaged to her best friend! (That made it kinda awkward when we were dating, because my brother's fiancee would always tell me what to do in our relationship, and point out every mistake that I made. Needless to say, she is one of my least favorite people :O but I've got my reasons). (<< But that's another blog post rant). Anyway, I was hoping I could talk to her about it, but she kinda stopped texting me randomly. Mid conversation too, so I would have felt awkward trying to have a new conversation randomly. But hopefully, I will someday. It's been weird. I've been thinking a lot about what we had a year ago, but without any regrets. I'm beginning to question my sanity, I keep changing moods!

Time to mention how my parents fit into here? Sure. I haven't vented what they've done with this whole situation anyway. They both did their part in both girls :O
So pretty much, a month before our homecoming, my mom would literally almost beg me to ask my ex to homecoming. Really? That wouldn't be awkward at all. She did that every week, maybe once a day, for a good month. Or maybe a few weeks. It doesn't really matter: she was annoying as crap. For about a month, I had my mom, and my bro's fiancee try and get me and girl #2 back together. -_-  Such as one lovely conversation between me and my mom one night:
Mom: "Who are you texting?"
Me: "(Insert Girl #2's name here)......"
Mom's face brightens: "Oh!! Are you two getting back together?!?!"
Me: -_- *facepalm* Thinking: Wth?? Did you seriously just ask that?



Girl #1 also fits into here! While my mom was bickering at me to ask girl #2 to homecoming, my lovely sister brings up the idea of, "Ben should ask (Insert girl #1's name here) to homecoming! They would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! :)"
And instantly my mom freaked. Found out I was texting her also, and then threatened to go through my texts every night. By now I am completely confused. Sure, girl #1 did some bad stuff in the past, but she doesn't now. But my mom didn't care. I swear, I think one of the biggest reasons why she was upset with me talking to her, is that she was so caught up in the idea of me dating my ex again (Whom she completely loved). All she wanted was for me to get back with her, and not the new girl. And to do that, she forbade my from dating girl #1. Dead serious. Kicker was, she told me that the same day we started texting. I had never talked to her before then, so I'm not sure why my mom thought we were going to elope or something. Which was ironic, because when she said that, girl #1 told me her feelings for me, and then stopped talking to me. Anyway, the point is, my mom would kill for me to date my ex again. Why? Don't ask me. I want to know myself. She HATES girl #1. Good thing she (and I) won't have to worry about her anymore.

Now, do I want to get back together with her? No, I don't. I lost the feeling a year ago, I'm pretty sure it's impossible for me to get those feelings back without hanging out with her or anything.

Although I finally figured out blogs are for, I have yet to discover what I'm supposed to blog about. Because I'm pretty sure that ^^^^^^^ Isn't it. But I wrote it anyway to waster your time. I know if you're reading this, you could care less about my piece of crap interaction with people of the opposite sex. But I'm not writing this for you. It's for me. But you may ask, "Then why are you posting it online?" And to that I respond, "Because a blog post is a blog post, and I would feel empty without writing a blog post."

Song Titles That Described My Emotional Roller Coaster Of A School Year, Starting At Day 1!

"Starting Line"- The Northern Way
"Bad"- The Cab
"Caught Up In You"- We The Kings
"Back Again"- Parachute
"Come In, Or Stay Out"- The Heyday
"Almost"- Blowing For Soup
"A Beautiful Lie"- 30 Seconds to Mars
"Why"- Secondhand Serenade
"Blame It On Me"- Parachute
"Over You"- We The Kings
"Lowlife"- Theory of a Deadman
Over You again :)
"The Mess I Made"- Parachute
"Boulevard Of Broken Dreams"- Green Day

Ian Quote Of The Day: "I didn't say that! All I said was my hips have more Sass!"

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Caution: My true feelings ahead! :O


Now that my adorable babies video has sucked you in, be prepared to waster your time! :D

There's no turning back.
Well, I suppose you could just hit the "back" button.
Or just close the browser.
Or turn off the computer.
Find something else to do?
Get a life?
Ok, I'm done.

Turn off the power??

Alright, here comes the boring stuff. The actual blog part.
And I think I finally can put a definition to a blog:
It is a mainstream, overly used, excruciatingly overly expressed Facebook status. But with more words.
And even less people care about it.

My day? Aced a Sophomore English final, passed my AP Bio final (WOOT!), came home, played some Battlefield with a good friend (Taelyr shout out!) Its the ultimate team game. So much fun :)
Got off, sat down to study for AP History.
Guess what didn't happen.
Yep! I didn't write a blog.
I also didn't study. I can't even remember what I did instead....
Ate dinner, and went to baseball practice.
Coach says I'm doing fantastic, which has been one of my few personal highlights of recent memory. Words can't express how excited I am for the season to start! Senior season is going to be awesome!
Remember when I said I had few personal highlights? That means I've been herping through this senior year. I can't exactly put a reason why, I've gone through a mental H-E-Double Hockey Sticks (Excuse me coarse language). From mildly depressed, to losing the will to do my favorite things, this year has not been what I had hoped it to be. School wise, I've lost the motivation to do anything, which leads to lower grades, which leads to me thinking "I can do better than this," which leads to me feeling like a failure. See a vicious cycle? I've tried getting out, but I obviously hepred at that too. I guess it all started with a certain someone, and for disclosed reasons, he/she/it may or not be the core of my problems. Long story, and quite frankly, whenever I think about it, I realize I'm just really stupid. I got mentally destroyed over that? Really? It's kinda pathetic.
She (Did I say too much?) came and went so quick, and now I'm sitting here with more questions than blog posts.
My first one is: Why?
Then its: Why did I fall for that?
Followed by: Who's to blame? Me or you?
In a close second: What the hell was that?
Tagged along by: Now you're dating your douche bad ex?

I gave up awhile ago, but when I found out she was taken again by her ex (????) I just went overboard. Deleted her from my it would be awesome if I could delete her from my head.

Slipped right through my fingers (Which has also lead me feel like a complete failure, and once again in the vicious cycle). Now, she's outta my phone, off of my friends list, and I haven't gone to youth group in months. Because of her. Running from the problem? Sadly, yes. But its surprisingly somewhat helpful. I would have loved to try to talk about it, but she's taken now, and its been a few months, so what's the point? Besides, she'll probably just think I'm stupid, and have no idea what I'm talking about. :/
So I guess I lied when I said I couldn't find a reason why. There ya have it.

But wait! That's not it!
Sadly, there's more.
The past month I've completely regretting a thing I did a year ago. I'm not gonna forget it. I was such a dick to her, and if she hates me I wouldn't blame her.
But it's been almost a year (Yes, I remember the exact date...) and I haven't felt this bad about it since I did it.  And since then I've been just terrible. Worst day of my life. I've already explained how my life is a fail, so I probably won't go into detail of my epic fail that day. God, I hate myself for that.
Pretty much, I broke up with her, and didn't talk to her again. With the sporadic text conversations.... I'll be the first admit to say I screwed up hardcore. I feel terrible for it. I managed through the first month, and the rest was relatively smooth sailing. I've seen her twice since then, and both times we didn't speak to each other. Once again, mostly my fault. We talked to each other 2 weeks? ago, and that's when I started feeling bad. I caught up in all the things we did for the 6 months we dated, and it ate at me. And I just kept thinking about how I destroyed it. Probably the worst decision ever? Thought about it, and yes. The outcome would be the same (I couldn't live a lie with her anymore), I just would have done it differently. What I did was completely immature. I hate myself for how it unfolded. I tried talking to her again, but it was obvious she didn't want to at all. I'm trying to get enough of me to try it again, I'm just super hesitant. It would have been a year since we last talked about it. I've been trying to find a good time too....
So I stopped talking to her after that. And yes, I've hated myself for it. And for this senior year in general. I would restart this WHOLE year in an instant. Yes, not just senior year. The whole year. Maybe if I don't screw up the second time, things will be better? There's so many things I would do differently. All this pain has been eating at me since the school year started. Not good timing with finals. But hey, with barely studying I've pulled off two 90's, and an 81 in AP Bio (which is pretty much an A :)!
Crazy right? Me? Sad? When was the last time you saw me sad for more than an hour?
I don't think I EVER show my true feelings. I've been masking it this whole year. Bet you couldn't tell, huh? I'm just that good. Unhealthy? Probably. But it helps, I guess.
Every day. With a mask on. Not as bad as you think. I mean, it's kinda hard with my friends. I can't stay unhappy at school. It's impossible. Someone is always doing something that will make me laugh. Which makes me forget the bad times.
So I guess my friends are my drug.

So yep. That's most of my emotional pain for the past year, in a nutshell.
Stay tuned, another girl may even jump into the fray!
Nope! Chuck Testa.

Again, my friends are great. I love them so much. Without them this year would have been more than hell. I wouldn't trade them for anything. And I know I haven't told them this, they kinda have some of it figured out. They keep me going. Its awesome.

Whoa. Did I just pour out my head onto this blog? And my new record for longest blog! And longest blog filled with stuff no one will care about :) This blogging thing is becoming really fun.....
Man, this felt great. Finally being able to express what my head is going through has helped me vent.
Best part? Nobody reads this! :O
If you do, here's the side of me you've never known.
That day feels like yesterday.
But, hey, I'll get by. I have so far haven't I? Things can only get better right?
It's gonna be hard, but I'll get through it.

Jeremiah 29:11
Joshua 1:9

Ian Quote of the Day: "It's not Bismarck, it's BOSSmarck."

Monday, December 19, 2011


This is how you really should play BF3

Any other way is inferior and therefore, not as awesome.
Plus there's explosions so.....

Hello nation! (Again).
I'm not really sure what I will be blogging about today. But rest assured, I promise once I find something to write about, it will completely waste your time.
Pinky swear.

Finals day today!
First two were Bible and Math, and as much as it pains me to say it, the math final was pretty straight forward.
Bible was easy, made a Batman reference, some Tebow references, and overall ended with watching the Prince of Egypt.
Tomorrow's line up: Sophomore English final and AP Biology. And to be honest, the sophomore english final is worrying me more than bio.
Which is weird considering I'm a senior.
And the fact that I'm not even in their class.
But that's not the point.
The point is that Mrs. Bush is awesome enough to let me waste my time taking a final that won't do anything for me, when I could be doing something productive and study for my actual test.
Na, that was a dumb idea anyway.

Got into several Tebow arguments today and last night. The people who love him are starting to piss me off. Their arguing and reasoning sucks.
"Tebow didn't lose the game, the defense did! But during the 6-game winning streak, that was all Tim Tebow."

-_-   I almost punched some people.
If he gets credit for the winning streak, there isn't any reason at all why he shouldn't get credit for the loss. Of course the defense did bad, its freaking Tom Brady! And Tebow couldn't get a pass TD against one of the worst NFL defenses.
But don't worry. He's "improving." Duh! Anyone who does the same thing repeatedly for years and years, is going to get better.
I'll hop on the Tebow bandwagon when we win a playoff game.
Other than that, shut up, because my view point is better by default :)

(Mini rant FTW ^^)

Well, not much should be happening today. Just gonna sit around, more than likely hit up some Strike At Karkhand on Battlefield today. That game is so pretty. Being able to blow anything up really brings out the Michael Bay in me. Its satisfying. I could do a critical analysis of MW3 and BF3, but I've gotten way biased towards BF3, so I'll leave it at that. :)

I might even study tonight! :O
Or maybe not.

See? I told you that your time would have been utterly wasted. But now you are starting to understand how I think!
If you do, please tell me, cuz I have yet to figure it out :/

Being lonely sucks.
Hard to say it took me a year to figure it out.
Stupid girls. Being difficult n such.

Ian Quote Of The Day: "I"M BATMAN!!"

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Click Here!!

Hello Blogiggity nation! I think I finally figured this whole blogging thing figured out.
There is something strangely satisfying about posting my thoughts onto the Internet only to be not read by anyone.
And those who do read it judge me in a negative fashion. :O

Anyway, today has been bleh. I think I'm on a Mountain Dew withdrawal. After about 3 days of only drinking Mountain Dew my body freaked when some substance called water got in. Which has subsequently lead to a very slow day of football and not much else. Strange right? Even my mini Mountain Dew shot didn't help.
I'm gonna need like 2 cans to suffice.
But now my sister is gettin me some Inta Juice.
Maybe I could put some Dew in it.

Anyway, you hear that noise?
You guessed it.
I'm gonna rant on Tim Tebow and give my honest opinion about him.

First off, I love the guy. He is my favorite football player. I respect his work ethic (He is a complete boss). I love that he expresses his strong Christian faith nearly every game, yet sometimes he kinda over does it. I love that he keeps finding ways to win games. I've been waiting 5 years as a Bronco fan to see them in the playoffs.
But honestly, he is over hyped. By a long shot. The dude can't hit the side of a bus. And is being man handled by a real QB in Tom Brady as your reading this (I am not responsible for this statement if Tebow pulls off a W). Sure, he is on a 6 game winning streak? But who has he beat? The team with the best record that he "beat" was Chicago, and they lacked their two best offensive players. And Tebow didn't even win it for them. It was Matt Prater and the defense. All the other opponents had records hovering around .500, or in essence, your average football team. And he had to come back from behind to beat them. Yes he has wins, but teams will figure out his playing style, and he can't keep getting Divine Intervention during every 4th quarter. His only loss was a very good Detroit Lions team, in which he got utterly destroyed.

This video from Saturday Night Live is funny. Watch it.

^^ I'm a Christian, and I found that hilarious. It took the media awhile to ridicule Tebow. And in the video Jesus makes a great point. "You shouldn't be praising Tebow. You should be praising Matt Prater." (Roughly paraphrased). He isn't winning games. The Denver Broncos are winning games.
Want to know why Kyle Orton was doing bad? Well for one, the entire Denver Bronco fan base hated his guts. Everyone wanted Tebow, and if you wanted Orton, you became an idiot. He played all the tough games on the schedule, (excluding Detroit and New England). All of those teams are contending for the playoffs, and the one that isn't (San Diego) was 3-1 at the time. Tebow came in, and BARELY started winning against the easiest part of the schedule. And most of those wins were because of flukes (On-side kick recovery, missed FG's, etc..).
Did I mention EVERYONE hated Orton? Generally, if everyone hates you, you don't play your best. No matter who you are. Also, 3 of those 4 losses were by 5 points or less. The fourth was by 25, but that was also thanks to playing Green Bay in Green Bay. So that's understandable.

I don't hate Tebow. I hate the media. I hate the hype. I hate all the Tebow lovers who won't shut up.
The man isn't a good QB, don't compare him to Brees, Rodgers, and Brady. He isn't the MVP. Rodgers is.
Pulling off fourth quarter wins isn't gonna last forever. He is gonna have to eventually actually beat some one by more than a touchdown, without needing a fourth quarter comeback. Granted, he didn't have an offseason to work on his game, but he started after the bye week, and looked terrible when he played the Dolphins after two weeks of preparation. And they (Miami) didn't have a win yet all season.

Look, I love Tim Tebow. I want him to succeed, and for the Broncos to make the playoffs. But all of this attention is driving me nuts.
The Houston Texans have one of the best records in the AFC.
The San Fransisco 49er's have one of the best records in the NFC.
Cam Newton.
We have 3 QB's (Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, and Drew Brees) all on pace to set the single-season pass yards record. That is just too incredible for words. 3 players in one year, can each break a record that's been standing for several decades.
And all of these story lines are being ignored because of Tebow.

And as you're reading this, the Broncos are down by 18 with 4 minutes left. Now will everyone hop off the band wagon please? That was getting too far.
Sorry Tebow, not a comeback likely this time.

And that's my honest opinion.

Time to study for finals! And by study for finals, I mean read the notes for a half hour.

Ian Quote Of The Day: "Cuddling is for men! Snuggling is for women!"

Saturday, December 17, 2011

It's like pickles, except it's NOT!!

Click Here:

Good afternoon nation! Well, at least everyone who reads this. Which is probably a little less than one person.
I'm not hipster enough to have my own nation.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the opening clip. That is how real men dogfight. This is about the time on which I rant about how Battlefield 3 is better than Modern Warfare 3, but I can already tell nobody cares.

In other news, my good friend Caleb got discharged from the hospital today. And by discharged, I mean Ian David and I busted him out of there. He was on the 9th floor. We will never under estimate his weight again.... :)

To celebrate his release, we partied, and drank excessive amounts of Mountain Dew. And by excessive, I mean we went out and got more. My mouth has tasted like Mountain Dew for a few days now, and while that's not bad, it's not good. Most things I eat now taste like it. Oh well.

Hopefully, tomorrow's game will shut up everyone who is on the Tebow-wagon. Well, I really want to see the Broncos win, but if Tebow pulls something off again, we're not going to hear the end of it. I'm kinda getting sick of all the attention he is getting, and he is my favorite football player. But at the end of the day, he is just a tight end lined up in the wildcat who can sometimes throw the football. I'm only going to be impressed if Tebow out duels Tom Brady in the passing game. Then I will hope on the bandwagon.

The Darkest Hour. Out on Christmas day. Synopsis: Invisible, energy stealing aliens from another planet, come to Earth, to, get this, steal our energy. And it's up to American hipsters visiting Moscow to kill the aliens and save the world.
As a rule, if any aliens come to visit Earth, by default, they win. I'm still waiting for when Hollywood actually makes a somewhat realistic alien invasion. In essence, they would nuke us from orbit, and with their vast technology, do whatever they want. And why would they come here for Earth, if we don't even have an idea of where our energy is going to come from in 20 years? And if they're invisible, we wouldn't stand a chance, let alone American hipster going Rambo on them. In short, make a movie like Skyline. But only in the sense that we get owned at the end. Everything else about that movie was just terrible.
Aliens coming here for our brains, then getting pwned by some renegade brain who goes and rescues his pregnant girlfriend.
And if you didn't notice, the aliens survived a nuke. Which is almost impossible, considering the nuke would have disintegrated the ENTIRE city of Los Angeles. But don't worry, the aliens get better. And then we get the genius idea of sending in like 5 guys with snipers to kill everyone. The special effects were amazing, which brought its previously grade F all the way up to and F+. Congratulations.

And that was my first official rant on something. It feels good. Ranting/and/or expressing my strongly rooted opinions onto you will now become more common! Yay!
Debate me! It will be fun! :)

Ian Quote of the Day:  Natalie: "Ben, get your butt out of my face!"
                                   Ian: "Natalie, count your blessings!"

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Shut up Caleb

Well, it seems as though my arch-best friend is blogging me (Blog war.... not blogging right....)?????

This is his :::::::::

1). He's a good friend, so I'll let it slide.

2). He's stupid.

3). We're both doing it wrong.

*Insert Smiley Here*

I don't know what a blog is, but Caleb is doing it wrong.

Well here is my first official blog.
And I'm happy to announce that this is successfully preventing me from doing homework.
And whatever Caleb posted, he's doing it wrong. I haven't exactly figured out why people write blogs, or why people read them, but these are my top hypotheses.

1) Procrastination: Why do it now, when I can do it later?

2) ADHD: Oh hey look! A blog.

3) It's completely mainstream.

And while all of those reasons suck, you know them to be true.

I sat down to do homework at five o'clock.
But then I discovered the new Battlefield 3 map pack, played it for 3 hours, and my face never changed from :O. It was awesome. Graphics were beyond fantastic, or as Ian would put it, "It is very pretty!" And they whole time I was thinking, "Why do people still play COD when they have this? And minecraft."
But that's for another blog.

And then I found Psych, my new favorite TV show! I was getting strong vibes about that show from the first episode.

And after that, I decided I needed to shoot something.
Welcome back, Battlefield 3.

Rewind to 2 hours ago, I finally decide to work on homework.

But then I found this:

And that's when I discovered the wonderful world of blogging.
And how Caleb is doing it wrong.
Anyway, I have yet to work on my homework, and even start to study for my AP test tomorrow.
And to think, I had nothing important to do besides school this whole night, and it's not done.

And that was my first official blog!
Boring yes, interesting no, a waste of time, yes.
But the interesting stuff is coming! When I get to shove my opinion down your throat and tell you that you're wrong, and I'm right because I said so.

Ian Quote Of The Day: "Of course Frodo and Sam were Mexican! How else could they have jumped the border into Mordor without getting caught?"