This is how you really should play BF3
Any other way is inferior and therefore, not as awesome.
Plus there's explosions so.....
Hello nation! (Again).
I'm not really sure what I will be blogging about today. But rest assured, I promise once I find something to write about, it will completely waste your time.
Pinky swear.
Finals day today!
First two were Bible and Math, and as much as it pains me to say it, the math final was pretty straight forward.
Bible was easy, made a Batman reference, some Tebow references, and overall ended with watching the Prince of Egypt.
Tomorrow's line up: Sophomore English final and AP Biology. And to be honest, the sophomore english final is worrying me more than bio.
Which is weird considering I'm a senior.
And the fact that I'm not even in their class.
But that's not the point.
The point is that Mrs. Bush is awesome enough to let me waste my time taking a final that won't do anything for me, when I could be doing something productive and study for my actual test.
Na, that was a dumb idea anyway.
Got into several Tebow arguments today and last night. The people who love him are starting to piss me off. Their arguing and reasoning sucks.
"Tebow didn't lose the game, the defense did! But during the 6-game winning streak, that was all Tim Tebow."
-_- I almost punched some people.
If he gets credit for the winning streak, there isn't any reason at all why he shouldn't get credit for the loss. Of course the defense did bad, its freaking Tom Brady! And Tebow couldn't get a pass TD against one of the worst NFL defenses.
But don't worry. He's "improving." Duh! Anyone who does the same thing repeatedly for years and years, is going to get better.
I'll hop on the Tebow bandwagon when we win a playoff game.
Other than that, shut up, because my view point is better by default :)
(Mini rant FTW ^^)
Well, not much should be happening today. Just gonna sit around, more than likely hit up some Strike At Karkhand on Battlefield today. That game is so pretty. Being able to blow anything up really brings out the Michael Bay in me. Its satisfying. I could do a critical analysis of MW3 and BF3, but I've gotten way biased towards BF3, so I'll leave it at that. :)
I might even study tonight! :O
Or maybe not.
See? I told you that your time would have been utterly wasted. But now you are starting to understand how I think!
If you do, please tell me, cuz I have yet to figure it out :/
Being lonely sucks.
Hard to say it took me a year to figure it out.
Stupid girls. Being difficult n such.
Ian Quote Of The Day: "I"M BATMAN!!"
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